Date(s) - 24/09/2016
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
All Saints' Church
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All Saint’s Churchyard Memorials
This particular project is recording and mapping the memorials in All Saint’s, Minstead. We are going to need your help with collating information.
James Brown, the NPA archaeologist who is running the “Our Past, Our Future” project, has fixed a date of 24th September to have a day at All Saint’s to encourage people to have a look at the available data and see if they would like to become involved in helping All Saint’s gather the information needed.
James will be bringing along some very interesting displays and lots of information about how to help collate information for the Minstead churchyard memorials. There will also be NPA volunteers who will help to show us how to record memorials types, sizes, designs and condition both online or on paper. A photographer will be showing us how to take images of the memorials using a light source to enhance any written/drawn details on the stones.
Please do look out for further details about the day at Minstead Church on 24th September.
Berry Stone 023 8081 3719