The following authorities are part funded by Council Tax and are the main providers of local public services to the community:
- Hampshire County Council (HCC) for services such as support for children and families, education, street lighting and highways care including road repairs, waste disposal, care and support for older people and people with disabilities, library services. See HCC Guide 2014 for information on Highway Traffic and Transport including reporting and contact details. This Guide also contains some Culture, Community and Business Services contact details.
- New Forest District Council (NFDC) for council tax, waste collection and kerbside recycling, street cleaning, housing, community and leisure services. NFDC operates the New Forest In Touch mobile app which lets you photograph, video and report problems (e.g. fly tipping) directly to the Council – where the issue will be quickly addressed by the appropriate service. This fast and efficient app, which is free to download from iTunes and Google Play, lets you report issues 24/7 from anywhere in the UK via your Smartphone.
- Hampshire Police Authority, the independent body responsible for overseeing and funding the work of Hampshire Constabulary to ensure effective and efficient policing in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
- Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority for the prevention of fires and other risks, the protection of life and property and to respond to emergencies.
Severe weather
Click HERE to find out about council services in severe weather
The New Forest National Park Authority
In addition the New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA) is the organisation responsible for promoting the purposes of the National Park and the interests of those who live and work within it. There are 15 National Parks in the UK. Known as Britain’s Breathing Spaces, National Parks are areas of spectacular landscape which are protected so everyone can visit and enjoy them. As a National Park the NFNPA has statutory purposes and socio-economic responsibilities as specified in the Environment Act of 1995:
- To conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area.
- To promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Park by the public.
Working in partnership with other organisations it is also the Authority’s duty to seek to foster the economic and social well-being of the local communities within the National Park. As such, the NFNPA is the Planning Authority for all planning issues within the National Park Boundary.