
  • All payments and receipts are shown in the minutes of meetings published monthly.

Financial Regulations are reviewed annually and updated if necessary.

Online Payments Procedure

Grants Policy Minstead

Grant Application Form_Minstead

Minstead Financial Regulations

Finance 2023-24

Approved Budget 2023-24

Finance 2022-23

Finance 2022-2023 – End of Year and Exercise of Public Rights

Budget Report Q1 2022-23

Budget Report Q2 2022-23

Budget Report Q3 2022-23

Budget Report Q4 2022-23

Finance 2021-22

Minstead Financial Regs 2021

Budget Report 1st Quarter 2021-2022

Budget Report 2nd Quarter 2021-2022

Budget Report 3rd Quarter 2021-2022

Budget Report 4th Quarter 2021-2022

Finance 2021-2022 – End of Year and Exercise of Public Rights

Certificate of Exemption

Annual Governance Statement (AGAR Form 2 Section 1)

Accounting Statements (AGAR Form 2 Section 2)

Internal Audit Statement

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Notice and Dates for Exercise of Public Rights

Finance Prior Years

The Audit documents for 2020-2021 been approved by the External Auditor:

Notice of Audit Conclusion

AGAR 2020-21 Accounting Statements

AGAR Statement – External Auditor

AGAR 2020-21 Internal Audit Report

Annual Governance Statement.jpeg


Explanation of Variances

2020-21 Dates of period for exercise of public rights

Budget Report 4th Quarter 2020-2021

BUDGET Report 2nd Quarter


Internal Audit Report 2019-20

AGAR Part2 2019-20



Budget Report 4th Qtr 2019-2020  

Minstead Financial Regs 2020

Budget Report 3rd Qtr 2019-2020

Budget Report 2nd Quarter

Budget Report 1at Quarter 2019-2020

Audit – Public rights

Audit Cert of Exemption 2018-2019

Audit Section 1 2018-19

Audit Section 2 2018-2019


explanation-of-variances 2018-19

Internal Audit Report 2018-19

Budget Report 2018-2019 End of year

Budget 2018-19

Audit 2018 Public Rights

Audit 2017-2018 (1)

Audit 2017-2018 (2)

Audit 2017-2018 (3)

Audit 2017-2018 (4)

Audit 2017-2018 (5)

Cert of Exemption

Quarterly budget report 2017-2018

Conclusion of Audit 2016-2017

Audit 2016-2017 Section 3

Annual Return 2016-2017

Reconciliation 2016-2017

Variances 2016-2017


Annual Return 2015-2016

Accounts 2015-2016 Variances

Accounts 2015-2016 Reconciliation

Audit Return 2014-2015

Audit 2015 Variances

Audit 2015 ReconciliationLand owned by PC - Village Green

Assets held 2018-2019