Date(s) - 22/07/2016
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Thanks to everyone’s efforts in previous years there is not a great amount of ragwort around the village. However the PC considers it would still be worthwhile pulling what there is. It is proposed that those who wish to help do so between 4 and 6pm on Friday 22nd July or at another time of your choosing and then retire to the Social Club at for a drink afterwards at 6.30pm (first drink on the PC!)
Bags can be collected from outside the Social Club. A small fork may help, do remember to wear gloves and return full bags to the Social Club.
If you want to take part we suggest you clear in the vicinity of your home. Please let us know by email ( or phone our Clerk on 8081 2375 so that Parish Councillors can cover the remaining areas.