Minstead Community Emergency Plan
Plan last updated on: 26/07/2019
Confidential (includes ex-directory telephone numbers)
Aims & Objective of the Plan
The aim of this plan is to help the parishioners of Minstead be able to support themselves when faced with an emergency situation within the village. It should also provide important information to the emergency services regarding the ongoing situation and the requirements of the village.
Examples of incidents which may result in the need to invoke the plan are as follows:
Natural or man-made disasters:
- Terrorism
- Riot or civil disorder
- Missing person(s)/abductions
- Chemical spillage
- Building collapse or major fire
- Foot and Mouth/Blue Tongue/Bird Flu or similar outbreak
- Major flooding
- Snow – enough to cut off village
The main objectives are:
- To conduct a risk assessment, identify hazards and possible mitigation
- Identify vulnerable groups within the community
- Identify key contacts
- Identify a community emergency contacts list.
- Identify resources available to the community in the event of an emergency
Should it be considered that a critical emergency has taken place within the village, the Parish Clerk or in their absence Coordinator or Vice-Coordinator must be contacted as soon as possible. In the absence of the Coordinator or Vice-Coordinator the Parish Clerk must identify a coordinator from the council members available. It will then be up to the coordinator to get the Emergency Plan under way.
This will be provided in the following order:
- Contact emergency services and the other Councillors.
- Commence incident log.
- Delegate someone to do an assessment of the incident, identify hazards involved, estimate casualties, estimate requirements.
- Following assessment the coordinator delegates roles to councillors
- Have emergency control set up and manned. Venue dependant on emergency.
- Contact people who have offered to help.
- Contact people in the village who have medical or first aid experience, if required.
- Contact those who have equipment suitable to the emergency
- Arrange for vulnerable people to be contacted, if required.
Risk Assessment Analysis
A High likelihood and High impact
B Low likelihood and High impact
C High likelihood and Low impact
D Low likelihood and Low impact
Total or Partial loss of electricity Risk A
Total or partial loss of water Risk A
Total or partial loss of telephone Risk A
Severe weather Risk A
Foot & mouth Risk A
Pandemic flu Risk A
Major Fire Risk B
Chemical Spills Risk B
Loss of road access Risk C
Flooding Risk D
Plan Distribution List
Name | Role | Phone number/email address | Issued on |
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Local Resilience Forum | Community Resilience Group | community.resilience@hants.gov.uk | |
Neil Jenkins
Eve Pritchard |
Emergency Planning & Resilience Officers | Tel: 01962 846184 Mob: 07957 932591 Fax: 01962 834 525 Neil.Jenkins@hants.gov.uk Plan to be sent to: emergency.planningteam@hants.gov.uk |
Edward Heron | County Councillor | Tel: 01425 471466 edward.heron@newforest.gov.uk | |
Diane Andrews | District Councillor | Tel:023 80813349 diane.andrews@newforest.gov.uk | |
Richard Williams | PSCO | Tel: 07554 775469
richard.williams@hampshire.pnn.police.uk |
Steven Norris | PC | Tel: 07554 775477
steven.norris@hmpshire.pnn.police.uk |
Barry Mollett | Parish Clerk | Tel: 07847 327162
minsteadclerk@gmail.com |
Plan Amendment List
Date of amendment | Date for next revision | Details of changes made | Changed by |
Local risk assessment…………………………………………………………………………………………P.7
Emergency contact list………………………………………………………………………………………..P.10
Key locations identified with emergency services for use as places of safety……………..P.11
Local skills, resources & volunteers………………………………………………………………………P.12
Volunteer database…………………………………………………………………………………………….P.13
First steps in an emergency…………………………………………………………………………………P.15
List of useful contacts…………………………………………………………………………………………P.16
Local Risk Assessment
Risks | Impact on community | What can the Community Emergency Group do to prepare? |
Storm damage: Minstead Parish has many trees in all parts of the Parish and is susceptible to storm damage. | · Lanes blocked.
· Property damage. · Potential danger to life. · Prolonged electricity failure. · Prolonged phone cut-outs, mobile and landlines. |
· Encourage Hampshire Highways and landowners to check health of trees and undertake work on a timely basis to remove dead wood.
· Establish Parish Hall as control point and, if needs be, potential temporary sanctuary for those whose homes are severely damaged. · Work with local emergency responders. Forestry Commission. · Link with vulnerable people. · Provision of generators in the event of power outage. |
Major fire destroying parts of village. Heath fire. House fire. Forest fire. | · Residents homeless
· Risk to animals. |
· Establish evacuation procedure/policy.
· Establish emergency housing if needed. · Work with the Verderers to establish their emergency procedure. |
Pandemic flu | · Risk to vulnerable parishioners. | · Identify list of be-there-people able to offer services i.e. prepared to offer care, provide transport or deliver medicine etc.
· Identify vulnerable parishioners. |
Prolonged electricity failure. | · Lack of Heating
· Lack of hot food. · No lights at night. · Possible phone outage. |
· Establish walkie talkie list.
· Establish list of parishioners with generators. · Work with electricity board to establish procedures in case of an emergency. · Identify vulnerable parishioners. · Encourage households to create and keep an emergency pack. |
Prolonged lack of water | · No access to clean drinking water
· No water for hygienic needs. · Risk from infection. · Impact upon animals. · Impact upon elderly, infirm, babies or children under 5. |
· Work with Bournemouth Water to establish action plan and emergency procedures available.
· Availability of bowsers. · Work with Verderers to establish action plan. · Identify vulnerable parishioners |
Flooding. | · Lanes blocked; residents may require assistance with transport/supplies
· Contamination through flooding of septic tanks/residents may require portable toilets/children need to be discouraged from playing flood water |
· Keep bunnies under the road clear.
· Keep ditches clear. · Keep residents informed. |
Other risks:
Major traffic accident within Parish resulting in many injuries and blocked roads. Air crash on village causing damage to property and blocked roads. Snow |
· Largely as above | · Establish Parish Hall as control point and, if needs be, potential temporary sanctuary for those whose homes are severely damaged.
· Work with local emergency responders. · Activate snow plough · |
Emergency Contact List
Name: Cllr. Helen Bennett | |
Title: Co-ordinator | |
24hr telephone contact: 023 80812358/07804046122 | |
Email: helenbennettpc@yahoo.com | |
Address: Hill Close, Minstead, SO43 7FX | |
Name: Dawne Wakelin | |
Title: Vice-coordinator | |
24hr telephone contact: 023 80814353 | |
Email: dawnewakelin@gmail.com | |
Address:Hightrees, Minstead, SO43 7FX |
Parish Council Emergency Contacts
Barry Mollett – minsteadclerk@gmail.com
Agisters Cottage, Minstead, SO43 7FU
Cllr. Bill Andrews – 023 80813349 or 07751064493 – minsteadchairman@gmail.com
Castle Malwood Park, Minstead, SO43 7HA
Cllr. Richard Taylor – 023 80812451 – richardtaylorpc@gmail.com
Homefarm, London Minstead, SO43 7FT
Cllr. Georgie Hough – 023 80814652 or 07525936106 – georgiehoughpc@gmail.com
The Old Cottage, Minstead, SO43 7FY
Cllr. Nibby Saunders – 07969 993417 – nibsaunders@icloud.com
Orchard Gate, Minstead, SO43 7FX
Cllr Jack Smith – 07825511096 – jacksmithpc@hotmail.com
Ocknell Park Farm, Stoney Cross, SO43 7GP
Key Locations Identified with Emergency Services for use as Places of Safety
Building | Location | Potential use in an emergency | Contact details of key holder |
Village Hall | Minstead
SO43 7FX |
Rest centre/safe place | Bill Andrews
023 80813349 07751 064493 Carol Kasamale 023 80813143 |
Minstead Social Club | Minstead
SO43 7FX |
Rest centre/safe place | Peter Bennett
07940 838168 Steve Cattell 07732 306406 |
All Saints Church | Church Lane
Minstead SO43 7EX |
Rest centre/safe place | Peter Bennett
07940838168 Dr Liz Randall 023 80811115 |
Minstead Study Centre | School Lane Minstead SO43 7GJ |
Rest centre/safe place | James Dawkins
023 80813437 Term time only |
Long Hall & Conference Suite
Minstead Lodge |
London Minstead
Minstead SO43 7FT |
Rest centre/safe place | Switchboard daytime
023 80812002 Out of hours emergency 023 80817144 |
Local Skills and Resources
To comply with GDPR this information is held by the Co-ordinator and Vice Co-ordinator
If appropriate, a defibrillator is located on the front wall of The Trusty Servant, SO43 7FY next to the village green. The instructions are on the front of the unit. Access code – C159
Minstead Lodge and Furzey Gardens both have accessible defibrillators both registered with the ambulance services.
Vulnerable Parishioners
Co-ordinator, Vice Co-ordinator and Councillors to establish those people who are vulnerable as a result of the incident.
Volunteer Database
- Assist with teas and coffees and food in any rest centre.
- Collect items required in the rest centre for example food drink.
- Willing to drive their 4x 4 to move vulnerable people, obtain medication provide food to vulnerable people collect equipment and any other car related activities as required.
- Willing to lend generators.
- Willing to lend Walkie talkies or other communication devices.
- Those who have first aid qualifications, medical or nursing experience,who could support the emergency services or provide first aid in the rest centre.
- Have chain saws and the qualifications to operate them.
- Willing to assist the emergency co ordinator to contact all of the above as directed.
- Be willing to support vulnerable people either in their homes or in the rest centre as required.
- Have access and ability to drive tractors and trailers to move large pieces of equipment.
To comply with GDPR this information is held by the Co-ordinator and Vice Co-ordinator
First Steps in an Emergency
Instructions | Tick | |
1 | Contact emergency services and the other Councillors. | |
2 | Commence incident log. | |
3 | Delegate someone to do an assessment of the incident, identify hazards involved, estimate casualties, estimate requirements. | |
4 | Following assessment the coordinator delegates roles to councillors. | |
5 | Have emergency control set up and manned. Venue dependant on emergency – contact required key-holder. | |
6 | Contact people who have offered to help. | |
7 | Contact people in the village who have medical or first aid experience, if required. | |
8 | Contact those who have equipment suitable to the emergency. | |
9 | Arrange for vulnerable people to be contacted, if required. | |
10 | Ensure Facebook and Twitter communication is up to date if required. Contact local radio/paper if needed. |
Requests from the Media
All councillors should make the Coordinator aware of all approaches from the media for interviews, statements or information.
Any request from the media will be discussed by the Coordinator and Chair and the decision will be made who will be the most appropriate person to make the response on behalf of the Parish Council.
List of Useful Contacts
Emergency Services 999
Police non emergency 101
NHS non emergency 111
New Forest District Council 02380285000
Hampshire County Council 01962 841841
Emergency Planning Unit HCC 01962 846846
Police Headquarters 08450454545
Hampshire Fire & Rescue 02380 644000
Environmental Agency Incident 0800 80 70 60
EA Floodline 0845 9881188
National Flood Forum 01299 403 055
Bournemouth Water 01202 590059
SSE Powercut Emergency 105
SSE National Gas Helpline 0800 111 999
Local Radio Station:
Wave 105 01489481052
Radio Solent – Newsroom 023 80632811
Radio Solent – Travel 0808 1003900
Lyndhurst Doctors Surgery 023 8028 2689
Forest Gate Doctors Surgery 023 8066 3839
Southampton General Hospital 023 8077 7222
Lymington New Forest Hospital 01590 663000
Forest Pharmacy, Bartley 023 80812734
Rowlands Pharmacy, Lyndhurst 023 80282630
Verderers Sue Westwood 023 8028 2052 Fax 023 80283101
Forestry Commission/Agister 0300 067 4600 Fax 023 80283929
Midforest Veterinary 023 80282358
New Forest National Park Authority 01590 646600
Raynet 03030 401080
Lyndhurst & District Neighbourcare 0845 0945 818
Met Office 0370 900 0100
RSPCA 0300 1234 999