eNewsletter 3rd February 2014


Further rain is forecast this week.

All owners of properties adjoining rivers, streams, ditches or other watercourses are reminded that it is their responsibility to make sure they are clear and able to allow water to flow without obstruction.

In some cases where public safety is at risk it may be necessary for the local authority to clear away debris and other obstructions and possibly pass the cost on to the appropriate owner.

Please check your property boundaries and make sure your ditches are clear!


New Forest Cottagers in The Nineteenth Century
A talk by Stephen Ings
On Tuesday, 4th February 2014 at 7.30pm
Emery Down and Bank Village Hall
Tickets: £2 on the door
With an interest in history from his school days, Stephen Ings has spoken on the subject to numerous local history societies and has contributed to magazines and periodicals.  He is the author of “Landford: A Wiltshire Village in the New Forest”, “Shot for a White-faced Deer”, and “Powder and Prayer”.


Friday 14th February – Valentines Night, treat your loved one to our special romantic Valentines Menu only £15.95, book now to avoid disappointment.

Wednesday 19th February – Quiz Night, Charity Quiz Night starting at 8.30pm all proceeds to Charlotte’s I Believe I Can Fund Of Hope

Friday 28th February – Man vs Food The Trusty Hot Wing Challenge, our hottest challenge yet! Enter now at The Trusty

Friday 14th March – The Trusty presents Be A Star Karaoke Night

For details, further information and to follow events see Facebook or ring 023 8081 2137.

We are also now taking entries for this years Forest’s Got Talent, win £1000 first prize, £500 second prize and the chance to perform at The Wave 105 Bournemouth Air Show




For details of Services and other events see the Benefice website.

and follow All Saints activities on Facebook.


January 26th, 4pm – Lyndhurst Catholic Church. Service of Christian Unity.

Thursday January 30th, 7.30 – Home Group in Church meeting.

Church warden.  After the APCM George Dibben will be stepping down from being churchwarden.  Please reflect on who might take his place.

Worship Group.  The recent meeting agreed to try holding some gatherings in the afternoon to engage more with the village community. More news nearer the time.


Exhibition of photos by Amanda Cumming until 8th Feb.

From 8th Feb ” A lifetime of drawing children”

An exhibition of drawings of children by Jeanie Mellersh.
All are invited to the opening at 11 to 1 on Saturday the 8 where you can see the pictures, talk to Jeanie and have some refreshments.  Jeanie has been drawing children all through her life.

Lent Course have a look at the notice in the Church Porch or on the Diocesan website.

Forest Link

Our Benefice Magazine is now distributed mainly by email.  For a few who have requested it, the parish of All Saints’ Minstead has begun printing copies and arranging for delivery.  Please let the Churchwardens know if you or anyone you know needs a printed copy.

The Two Saints’ Box (in the porch) is the collecting point for donations of items for homeless men and women in our area.  This month socks and pants.

At each Service in All Saints there will be a Retiring Collection for the month’s Charity – this month The Church Mission Society.


‘Lest we forget’ – the words carved onto the front of the lychgate to Emery
Down Church.
As part of the process of commemoration, honouring and remembering a group of local people are researching the lives of soldiers and airmen who died in the First World War and whose names are inscribed on the walls of the lychgate – the war memorial for the villages of Bank, Emery Down and Gritnam – it is planned to have a record of those who lost their lives in the First World War available in the church for visitors to read alongside a Book of Commemoration for people to set down their own thoughts and memories of the losses caused by war and in particular, those caused by the First
World War.
If you wish to be involved in what has become known as the Lychgate Project or if you are related to any of the men whose names are inscribed in the
lychgate (see War memorial Emery Down< http://newforestparishes.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/war-memorial-emery-dow
> for full list) and have information for us please contact the project’s co-ordinator <mailto:sasa.hall@btinternet.com> (one of the


Karl Jenkins’ “The Armed Man”, a mass for peace, was commissioned by the Royal Armouries Museum for the Millennium celebrations. It was originally dedicated to victims of the Kosovo crisis.

This is a highly evocative and moving work which will be performed in St Michael’s Church in Lyndhurst for the first time. It is especially appropriate that it is to be performed in the year of the centenary of the outbreak of World War 1. The concert is being performed by members of various choirs who will be coming together on the day to raise funds for Help for Heroes, for St Michael and All Angels, Lyndhurst and All Saints’, Minstead. If you are a singer who knows the piece well please do apply to Berry Stone for a place in the choir. The concert is taking place with the support of The Prince’s Foundation.

Admission £10, for details contact Berry Stone 023 8081 3719 berrymstone@btinternet.com

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To keep up to date with Events and useful Information visit

(and bookmark) the new Minstead Village Community Website on your PC, Tablet or Phone at http://test.minstead.org.uk


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