All posts by Alan Ferguson

eNewsletter 7th October 2018


Minstead History Group 8pm Tues 9th Oct Social Club

Harvest Festival Concert 7pm Sat 13th Oct All Saints Church

Harvest Festival Service 10.30am Sun 14th Oct All Saints Church

Beat Surgery 11am Saturday 20th Oct Trusty Servant

Free Composting Sessions 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm Sat 20th Oct Study Centre

(limited availability)

Half Term Fun 11am-3pm Mon 22nd – Fri 26th Oct Furzey Gardens

Traditional Bread Making 10am-5pm Sat 27th Oct Study Centre

Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.


A further reminder that the following roads will be closed as shown below from 8am this Monday 8th October, hopefully for a period of no more than 2 weeks:

  • C151 Lyndhurst Road Minstead between its junction with Church Lane and its junction with Newtown Road.
  • U139 (Road to Football Green) between its junction with Bull Lane and its junction with C151 Lyndhurst Road adjacent The Trusty Servant.


This month’s speaker will be Hadrian Cook. Hadrian published a new book about the Forest last year and you can find out more about it by clicking here.

For some while now Hadrian has lived in Salisbury and has studied the Water Meadows there.  A family connection and his book about the Forest led Isabel Yeo to invite him to speak.

Do come to listen; he is a good speaker.


In case you have not seen him yet, Classic Tommy is now on the Village Green by the War Memorial

Again, many thanks to all those who contributed.  Your generosity means there is enough money left over to make a very worthwhile donation to the Royal British Legion.


Click here to read the Beat Report for September 2018.  It contains much useful information including advice on securing out-buildings such as sheds and garages which are more susceptible to theft as the evenings draw in.

Please note that the next Beat Surgery will be at 11am in the Trusty Servant on Saturday 20th October.  This is a good opportunity to meet our local Police on an informal basis.


For services and events at All Saints click here.

  • Click here to visit the New Forest Parishes website for news and information.
  • Click here to find out more about the Harvest Festival Concert of Gregorian Chant and secular music for organ and flute at 7pm on Saturday 13th Tickets £8.50 from the Trusty Servant.
  • The Harvest Festival Service will be held the following day at 10.30am on Sunday 14th October!


Minstead Players are a very willing group, dedicated to learning their lines and throwing themselves about the stage as the script decrees but this year their collective lowers limbs have been somewhat troublesome. Two suffering from chronic sciatica, another with half a knee replacement not to mention a smattering of generally dodgy knees.  Consequently we have decided to postpone the scheduled November production of “Don’t Get your Vicars in a Twist” until January.  Performances will be at the Minstead Village Hall on Friday the 18th and Saturday 19th when crutches will be discarded, physiotherapy will be a memory and hopefully no one will be limping anymore – as I said we are all very willing!


The next litterpick is planned for Tuesday 16th October. We will meet at 10am in Andrews Mare Car Park. As usual, we will cover both sides of the road between the A31 and the Newtown Crossroads. McDonalds will provide the litter picking sticks and refuse bags. Anyone is welcome but if you have any queries please email


This is a reminder to all who own hedges and ditches along our roads that they are responsible for cutting them back and keeping them clear.

If hedges or ditches are badly neglected then the matter will be referred to Hampshire County Council who may ultimately carry out the necessary work and will pass the bill to the landowner. Even if ditches are outside the hedge their clearance is still the responsibility of the owner of the boundary.


It is important for all dog owners to take responsibility for cleaning up after their animal as not only is it unpleasant to look at and even more unpleasant to step in, it can pose a health risk, particularly to children. For example, Toxocariasis is a rare infection caused by roundworms in the digestive tracts of dogs. It can cause headaches, eye problems and fever in humans if they come into contact with it.

Please clear up after your dog to keep the New Forest a pleasant place for everybody and encourage others to do likewise. You can use any plastic bag to pick up your dog’s waste and if you can’t find a dog waste bin it’s all right to put it in one of the litter bins. Dog waste from your garden can be double-bagged and placed in your black refuse sack.

If you spot a dog fouling problem, you can report it to Customer Services on 023 8028 5000 or report it online.

New Forest District Council can fine those who fail to pick up after their dog £50 so please ensure you have bags or poop scoops with you every time you walk your dog.


Booking is open for the 2018 New Forest Walking Festival

The festival runs from 13th to 28th October and more than 70 walks are available.

Click here to find out more and make a booking.


Tuesday 6th November 10am to 3pm in Lyndhurst community Centre

Free Entry

The New Forest Community Heritage Fair will see groups from around the Forest come together to share their current research and passion for the fascinating history of the New Forest.

Groups will be displaying their research in the form of exhibitions, manned information stands, posters, books and talks for the day.

Our Minstead Local History Group will be taking part!

The event is a perfect opportunity to find out more about heritage on your doorstep and chat with some local experts. It might even inspire you to join your local group and discover a new passion or finally get around to getting hands on with something you’ve always had an interest in?

Click here for further information.


Appletree Careline provide a 24 hour /375 days a year monitoring service to people aged 18 to 100 + who live in and around the district of the New Forest.

The service provides the security and reassurance of an immediate response in times of crisis or emergency, to person or property.

Inside the home and out in the garden

The installation of an alarm is quick and easy, there is no need to remember any numbers, simply press the button and the trained operators at Appletree Careline will mobilise the help required. We use the personalised information and preferences provided by the customer and this will include contacting family members, friends, their GP or the emergency services.

Out and about in the community

Appletree Careline also provide an ID wristband service, a flexible silicone band uniquely numbered for each customer, which offers the opportunity to maintain social and day to day activities out in the community; visiting friends, going for walks or just doing the shopping.

To find out more click here, call 02380 285523 or email us we would be delighted to hear from you.

You will see we currently have a winter promotion offering a free calendar with every installation during October, November and December.


The following Planning Application is out for consultation:

No:                          18/00707

Address:                 Old Cobley House, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:                Replacement of tiled roof on barn with thatched roof


ends:                       Wednesday 31st October

Visit the NPA website for further information

This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting

Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.



eNewsletter 30th September 2018

Sunday 30th September eNewsletter 

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Mon 1 st Oct Danby Room 
Minstead  Road Closure 4th Oct + 2 weeks – Lyndhurst Road & Road to Football Green 
Minstead History Group 8pm Tues 9 th Oct Social Club 
Harvest Festival Concert 7pm Sat 13 th Oct All Saints Church 
Harvest Festival Service 10.30am Sun 14 th Oct All Saints Church 
Free Composting Sessions 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm Sat 20 th Oct Study Centre 
(limited availability) 
Half Term Fun 11am-3pm Mon 22 nd – Fri 26 th Oct Furzey Gardens 
Traditional Bread Making 10am-5pm Sat 27 th Oct Study Centre 

Click on the links above to find out more. 
Please let us know at  if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our  website , e-newsletter and  Facebook  page. 

You’ll have seen the signs, . . . . follow the link above, or here is the gist of what’s happening 

“ROADS TO BE CLOSED: Those lengths of:

  1. C151 Lyndhurst Road Minstead between its junction with Church Lane and its junction with Newtown Road.
  2. U139 (Road to Football Green) between its junction with Bull Lane and its junction with C151 Lyndhurst Road adjacent The Trusty Servant.


  1. From the southeastern point of closure, southeast via C151 Lyndhurst Road to its junction with A337 Romsey Road; south via Romsey Road to its junction with Lyndhurst High Street; east via High Street to its junction with Gosport Lane; south, west and northwest via Gosport Lane, Goose Green and Chapel Lane to its junction with A35 Bournemouth Road ; west via Bournemouth Road to its junction with C17 Emery Down Road (Stoney Cross Plain Road) ; northwest via Emery Down Road to its junction with Newtown Road at Robins Bush; northeast via Newtown Road to the northwestern point of closure and vice versa except from junction with Chapel Lane and Bournemouth Road Lyndhurst, east via Bournemouth Road and High Street to its junction with Romsey Road; north via Romsey Road etc.
  2. From the northeastern point of closure east via Football Green Road to its junction with C151 Lyndhurst Road; west via Lyndhurst Road to the southwestern point of closure and vice versa.

PERIOD OF CLOSURE: From 4thOctober 2018 for a period of 3 months or until completion of works whichever is sooner. (Notwithstanding the above it is expected that the closures will be required for no longer than a total of two weeks.)

Reasonable facilities will be provided to allow access to adjacent premises while the work is being carried out.
If you have any queries please contact Hire-A-Lite Tel: 0844 332 9009 or New Forest District Council’s Transportation Section, Tel: 02380 285260,”

As the nights draw in, New Forest residents are reminded to follow some simple tips to increase their home security. 
This comes after four burglaries at insecure properties in New Milton over the weekend. 
For the tips and further information visit: 

Click here to visit the New Forest Parishes website for news and information about Services.

This Sunday 30th September there is  no morning service. Instead Rev. David Potterton will lead (and play at) a Taize service – calming, peaceful and spiritual-  at 6pm at All Saints. Everyone is welcome so please come along.

  • Click here to find out more about our Harvest Festival Concert of Gregorian Chant and secular music for organ and flute at 7pm on Saturday 13th October.  Ticket £8.50 from the Trusty Servant.
  • The Harvest Festival Service will be held the following day at 10.30am on Sunday 14thOctober.
  • A further reminder that the Church Tower Fund Appeal would be grateful for any of your unwanted possessions in reasonable condition for auction.

For details please contact: 
Sylvia Dibben tel 02380 812967 ​ e.mail 
Helen Bennett tel 02380 812358 e.mail 
Please note that the Minstead All Saints PCC has a new email address 

welcomes a survivor from the Holocaust Education Trust 
How We Used To Live will hear testimony from Holocaust survivor, Henry Schachter, as part of a visit organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET).  The testimony will be followed by a question and answer session to enable those present to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit is part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme across the UK. 
Tuesday 2 October 2018 at 7.30 pm 
In Emery Down and Bank Village Hall. £3.50 on the door. 
There are no Planning Applications out for consultation this week 
Visit the NPA website for further information

This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )
Click here to see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.


eNewsletter 23rd September 2018


Patient Information Morning organised by the Friends of Lyndhurst Surgery 10.30am-12.30pm Thurs 27th Sept Lyndhurst Community Centre

Elf and Fairy Day 11am-3pm Fri 28th Sept Furzey Gardens

Macmillan coffee morning 10.30am Fri 28th Sept All Saints Church

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Mon 1st Oct Danby Room

Minstead History Group 8pm Tues 9th Oct Social Club

Harvest Festival Concert 7pm Sat 13th Oct All Saints Church

Harvest Festival Service 10.30am Sun 14th Oct All Saints Church

Free Composting Sessions 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm Sat 20th Oct Study Centre

(limited availability)

Half Term Fun 11am-3pm Mon 22nd – Fri 26th Oct Furzey Gardens

Traditional Bread Making 10am-5pm Sat 27th Oct Study Centre

Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.


Following further incidents of fly-tipping in Minstead we suggest that if you have a smartphone you may like to download the New Forest In Touch mobile app which lets you photograph, video and report problems directly to the Council where the issue will be quickly addressed by the appropriate service. The app enables you to report fly-tipping, pot holes in the road, abandoned vehicles, dead animals, nuisance bonfires, blocked drains and graffiti and many other problems.

To download visit

There is a section ‘report it’ which enables us all to upload a photo immediately with the location to help NFDC address the problem quickly.

The more people who report things the better!


Many thanks to all those who have contributed to our Classic Tommy silhouette.

t is still not too late to make a donation, however small, and if you wish to do so please contact

Helen Bennett at tel 023 8081 2358 or

Alan Ferguson at tel 023 8081 3838

who can provide you with payment methods.


  • Click here to visit the New Forest Parishes website for news and information about Services.
  • Click here to find out more about our Harvest Festival Concert of Gregorian Chant and secular music for organ and flute at 7pm on Saturday 13th Ticket £8.50 from the Trusty Servant.
  • The Harvest Festival Service will be held the following day at 10.30am on Sunday 14th October!
  • A further reminder that the Church Tower Fund Appeal would be grateful for any of your unwanted possessions in reasonable condition for auction.

For details please contact:

Sylvia Dibben tel 02380 812967 ​ e.mail


Helen Bennett tel 02380 812358 e.mail


Bournemouth Water say the leak on the Newtown – Fleetwater Farm road is mains water and that they are going to send a crew out to fix it.

It may even have happened by the time you read this email!

Following a test they say the Congleton Close leak is not mains water and we are investigating further.


welcomes a survivor from the Holocaust Education Trust

How We Used To Live will hear testimony from Holocaust survivor, Henry Schachter, as part of a visit organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET).  The testimony will be followed by a question and answer session to enable those present to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit is part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme across the UK.

Tuesday 2 October 2018 at 7.30 pm

In Emery Down and Bank Village Hall. £3.50 on the door.


The following Planning Applications are out for consultation:

Application No:      18/00656

Address:                    Minstead Social Club

Proposal:                 Creation of covered seating area

Comment by:        Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00654

Address:                    Skymers, Stoney Cross, Minstead

Proposal:                  Stables; hardstanding

Comment by:          Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00642

Address:                   Sir Walter Tyrell, Canterton Lane, Brook

Proposal:                Retention of mobile home for residential use (Staff


Comment by:       Friday 28th September

Visit the NPA website for further information

This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )
Click here to see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting

Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.



eNewsletter 16th September 2018

Sunday 16th September eNewsletter


Walk in ‘Flu Clinic 2.15-5pm Wednesday 19th September Lyndhurst Surgery

Beat Surgery 11am Saturday 22nd September Trusty Servant pub

Patient Information Morning organised by the Friends of Lyndhurst Surgery 10.30am-12.30pm Thursday 27th September Lyndhurst Community Centre

Elf and Fairy Day 11am-3pm Friday 28th September Furzey Gardens

Macmillan coffee morning 10.30am Friday 28th September All Saints Church

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 1st October Danby Room

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 9th October Social Club

Harvest Festival Concert 7pm Saturday 13th October All Saints Church

Harvest Festival Service 10.30am Sunday 14th October All Saints Church

Half Term Fun 11am-3pm Mon 22nd – Fri 26th October Furzey Gardens

Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.


178 people responded to the recent survey of whom 126 said they would use a Community Shop regularly, 47 occasionally and 5 not at all.  There were lots of interesting suggestions and encouraging offers of help in various ways.  We believe this represents more than sufficient support for a community Steering Group to be set up to consider the various options and establish a way ahead and we are contacting all those who volunteered.  It is hoped that such a Group will form up in the next few weeks and that once it is established there will be further consultation with the village Community.


Our new Priest-in-Charge, The Reverend David Potterton was licensed to the Benefice of the Parishes of Lyndhurst and Emery Down and Minstead on August 21st in a joyful service taken by The Right Reverend Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Southampton.  St Michael and All Angels’ church in Lyndhurst was packed and its bells rang out.  Ahead of the licensing service, Revd. David took part in short services at the two other parish churches in the benefice: All Saints’ Church, Minstead and Christ Church, Emery Down. The Bishop of Southampton led these services, which included a joyous African chant, and presented Revd. Potterton with the keys to each church.


As you may be aware our much loved Church is in need of funds to keep this beautiful building in good repair.

Do you have any unwanted possessions, in reasonable condition, that you are willing to donate to the Tower Fund Appeal?  If so a trusted member of your Church/Community will visit you with formal identification and you will be asked to give written confirmation of your gift. This process will be confidential treated anonymously if you wish. Items will be auctioned or sold as appropriate, using regular local auction houses.

We will consider anything suitable for sale/auction and in particular Pictures, Paintings, Rugs, Ornaments, Crockery, Furniture etc., etc.

On behalf of All Saints Church,  Minstead PCC

Please contact Sylvia Dibben, Ivy Cottage Farm, Minstead, SO437FY

02380 812967 ​ e.mail


Helen Bennett 02380 812358/e.mail


As mentioned above there will be a Patient Information morning at Lyndhurst community Centre from 10.30am-12.30pm on Thursday 27th September.

Click here for further information.


A further reminder that it is not too late to make a contribution to help pay for a Classic Tommy silhouette to be situated by the War Memorial on the Village Green.

If you would like to make a donation, however small, please contact

Helen Bennett at tel 023 8081 2358 or

Alan Ferguson at tel 023 8081 3838

who can provide you with payment methods.

Any excess above the cost of £250 will be donated to the Royal British Legion.


A further reminder that your Oil Order for September should be with MinsteadOil by 9am this Wednesday 19th September with anticipated delivery by the end of the month.

Subsequent Oil orders will be at 4 week intervals until the December one on the 5th to get delivery before Christmas.


This Blue Siam design plate made by Wedgewood was left behind at the tea tent after the Village Fete on 11th August.

If it is yours then let us know at and we’ll tell you where to collect it from!


The following Planning Applications are out for consultation:

Application No:      18/00656

Address:               Minstead Social Club

Proposal:                Creation of covered seating area

Comment by:                   Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00654

Address:               Skymers, Stoney Cross, Minstead

Proposal:                Stables; hardstanding

Comment by:                   Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00653

Address:               Stable Cottage, Acres Down Farm, Minstead

Proposal:                Two storey rear extension; first floor side extension

Comment by:                   Monday 24th September

Application No:      18/00642

Address:               Sir Walter Tyrell, Canterton Lane, Brook

Proposal:                Retention of mobile home for residential use (Staff Accommodation)

Comment by:                   Friday 28th September

Visit the NPA website for further information


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )
Click here to see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting

Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.



eNewsletter 9th September 2018


Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 11th September Social Club

School Veg Garden Course 2-5pm Friday 14th September Minstead Study Centre
Beat Surgery 11am Saturday 22nd September Trusty Servant pub.

Elf and Fairy Day 11am-3pm Friday 28th September Furzey Gardens

Macmillan coffee morning 10.30am Friday 28th September All Saints Church
Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.


As mentioned in an earlier Newsletter the Royal British Legion is inviting the public to take part in a movement to say ‘Thank You’ to the First World War generation who served, sacrificed, rebuilt and changed the nation. In support of the ‘Thank You’ movement the RBL is offering for donation a variety of silhouettes to symbolise the communities that took part in WW1 and who shaped the nation as we know it today. The silhouettes are near life-size and can be fixed to a wall or attached to an upright post in public or private spaces. The Parish Council is asking for donations to pay for a Classic Tommy  to be situated by the War Memorial on the Village Green.

If you would like to make a donation, however small, please contact

Helen Bennett at tel 023 8081 2358 or

Alan Ferguson at tel 023 8081 3838

who can provide you with payment methods.

Any excess above the cost of £250 will be donated to the Royal British Legion.


Your Oil Order for September should be with MinsteadOil by 9am on Wednesday 19th September with anticipated delivery by the end of the month.

Subsequent Oil orders will be at 4 week intervals until the December one on the 5th to get delivery before Christmas.


Following the Annual Parish Meeting on March 21st the Parish Council has been very frustrated by the lack of progress and information from Openreach.  During August we escalated the matter within Openreach, Hampshire County Council, and via our MP.  This has resulted in some updated information.

On work that Openreach are already committed to, providing fibre broadband to some further areas of the village they say ‘Work on the local distribution fibres is currently not started and isn’t due to start until late 2018/early 2019 with the network being live mid 2019……………The local surveying/planning is due to complete within the next 2-3 months and at that point we will get a clear line of sight to a completion date’.

For our proposed Community Fibre Partnership, Openreach now expect to have a proposed solution and cost by the end of September.  This is for work to provide fibre broadband to many areas of the village that would not otherwise be covered.  This will allow us to access Hampshire County Council funding, but also requires some community contribution.  Until the scheme is agreed and funded we will not have possible installation dates for this.

Please note that all previous dates supplied by Openreach have slipped!


Many thanks to all who helped with this year’s Village Fete.  Despite the weather there was a good turnout and we raised a fantastic £1215.50 to be shared between the Church and SSAFA.

The Divisional Secretary of SSAFA has written as follows:

“Thank you all in Minstead for considering SSAFA New Forest Division as the recipient of a share of your profits from your fete.  £608.25 is an amazingly generous sum to come our way and I can assure you it will be used locally and wisely to help veterans in the New Forest.  Many thanks to you all for your hard work and generosity”

The breakdown of “takings” was as follows:

Books                    76.90

Refreshments        389 50

Dogs Trust            37.60

Tombola                 126.00

Coconut Shy etc     38.00

Cake weight          7.50

Card Lady              5.00

Coconut expense    25.00-

TOTAL                  680.50

Donation from

Trusty Servant      535.00

GRAND TOTAL   1215.50


The next Production by Minstead Players will be

“Don’t Get Your Vicars in a Twist” by Ann Gawthorpe and Lesley Brown

7.30pm Friday 16th November and Saturday 17th November in the Hall.


Lunch time walk in sessions at Lyndhurst Surgery will be available from 12-1 pm each day from Monday 17th Sept but the MAIN walk in clinic will be held from

2.15 – 5 pm on WEDNESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER.

Booked appointments can also be made in the extended surgery sessions throughout September and October (from the 17th September).

Visit or ring 023 8028 2689 for further information.


Very many thanks to all those who have offered help.  We shall be taking this initiative forward and provide an update in due course.


You may already be aware that the M27 is undergoing major improvements.  The motorway will be closed between junctions 3 and 4 over three separate weekends in the next year with the first starting on Friday 28/09/18 at 2200 until the early hours of Sunday for the demolition and replacement of the west bridge.

This will mean lengthy tailbacks into the west and may well cause heavy congestion in the eastern part of the district as drivers attempt to avoid the lengthy diversions by driving through local roads.


The next Wiggle sportive event is taking place in the New Forest on the 15th and 16th of September. It doesn’t come through Minstead but might cause problems travelling round.  Further details of the route and other information can be found by clicking here.


The following Planning Applications are out for consultation:

Application No:      18/00591

Address:                    Land Of Williams Farm, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead,  Lyndhurst, SO43 7FP

Proposal:                 Replacement barn; demolition of existing barn

Comment by:        Friday 14th September

Application No:      18/00656

Address:                    Minstead Social Club

Proposal:                   Creation of covered seating area

Comment by:          Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00654

Address:                    Skymers, Stoney Cross, Minstead

Proposal:                Stables; hardstanding

Comment by:            Thursday 27th September

Application No:      18/00653

Address:               Stable Cottage, Acres Down Farm, Minstead

Proposal:                Two storey rear extension; first floor side extension

Comment by:                   Monday 24th September

Application No:             18/00642

Address:                           Sir Walter Tyrell, Canterton Lane, Brook

Proposal:                          Retention of mobile home for residential use (Staff Accommodation)

Comment by:                   Friday 28th September

Visit the NPA website for further information


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )
Click here to see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting

……………………Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.



eNewsletter 22nd July 2018


New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 28th July Venue on the Green

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 6th August Danby Room

Village Fete Saturday 11th August on the Green

(in conjunction with the Trusty’s Beer and Cider Festival and the Great Minstead Bake Off!)

History Group 8pm Tuesday 14th August Social Club

and coming up on 1st September

The 67th Annual Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show Village Hall

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

 Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.


Many thanks to everyone who has completed the survey so far, either on line or on paper!

There has been a reasonable response but we really do need quite a lot more by 31st July in order to judge if there is sufficient support from the Village, or not, to set up a project for a Community Shop.

We do not need your detailed ideas at this stage – if the project proceeds that will come later!  We really just need to get a feel of how many people in the Village would support a Community Shop, an idea of what they want from it and ways in which they might help.

Please do your best, it takes barely 5 minutes to complete and anyone can take part.  The survey is not limited to one per household, just one per person!

It is the views of the Minstead community that matter most and we’d rather know at this stage what you really think (providing it is polite!).

To take part please either:

complete the form and take it to the Trusty Servant where there is a special box for completed surveys.  If you are unable to do this please contact our Clerk, Polly Osborne, on 023 8081 2375 and we will arrange for it to be collected.  We can also try and get another form to you if you have mislaid yours!


view and complete the survey on line by clicking

Minstead Community Shop Project

(It can also be accessed via the Village Website and Facebook!)


The PCC has encountered a glitch in its Google account and is unable to send out the notices directly.  It is hoped this will be sorted shortly.

Meanwhile see All Saints Notices 22nd July 2018 and Benefice Notices 22nd July 2018 to find out about services and to read the latest church notices.  You can also follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.


As previously announced, this year’s Fete will be on the Green starting at approximately midday and finishing around 4.30pm.  Proceeds will go to the Church and the Tower Fund appeal and SSAFA. If you are free to help set up that would be a great help!

Please let us know at if you can lend a hand or just turn up on the day at about 9am – the more the merrier!

The Tea area will be co-ordinated by the Church and we would welcome any support you can give by way of donations of Savoury or Cake produce.

In addition we would be very pleased to hear from you if you are able to give a little time to the running of the Tea Tent between the hours of 11.30am and 4.30pm

Could you please let us know if you are able to provide food and/or your preferred times to assist on the day.

Sylvia Dibben 812967                Helen Bennett 80812358



The Verderers’ Court has issued a notice urging people NOT to put out water in buckets or other receptacles for the animals.  Despite the best of intentions this is counter-productive.  There are plenty of places in the Forest where animals can get water including large water troughs which are mains fed and the animals know where they are.

Click here for the full notice.


Saturday 1st September Village Hall

It’s probably a good time to start thinking about your entries this year.

Click here to see details about the Classes, Trophies and Rules.

Meanwhile, as Brucie might have said, keep watering (as long as you are allowed to!)


The following planning applications for Minstead are out for consultation this week:

No:              18/00278

Address:      Yew Tree House, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:      Raising ridge height of existing outbuilding to facilitate first floor;

5no. rooflights; single storey extensions; cladding


Ends:           Wednesday 8th August

No:              18/00279

Address:      Yew Tree House, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:      Re-roofing and conversion of barn to dwelling


Ends:           Wednesday 8th August

Information about planning can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

eNewsletter 15th July 2018


Present Laughter 7.45pm Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st Vernon Theatre

New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 28th July Venue tba

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 6th August Danby Room

Village Fete Saturday 11th August on the Green

(in conjunction with the Trusty’s Beer and Cider festival and the Great Minstead Bake Off!)

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

 Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.


The survey mentioned in last week’s eNewsletter has been distributed in hard copy to most households.  If you wish to take part please either:

complete the form and take it to the Trusty Servant where there is a special box for completed surveys.  If you are unable to do this please contact our clerk, Polly Osborne, on 023 8081 2375 and we will arrange for it to be collected.


view and complete the survey on line by clicking

Minstead Community Shop Project

We hope every resident of Minstead will complete this short questionnaire by 31st July so we can ascertain the level of support for a Community Shop.

(It can also be accessed on the Village Website and on Facebook!)


Please place any orders for Oil at by 9am on Wednesday 18th July. Future order dates are September 19th and monthly thereafter.


Happy Fryer flyer


If you are free to help set up that would be a great help!

Please let us know at if you can lend a hand or just turn up on the day at about 9am – the more the merrier!


Saturday 21 July 2018 2.30 – 5.00 pm

Emery Down and Bank Village Hall

Fun Dog Show starts at 2.45 pm with Fancy Dress for Dogs, Children and Adults, followed by Fun

Dog Classes. Cream Teas, Cake Stall and Raffe.

Entry at the gate: Adults £1 (children free), Dogs £5 for show (covers all classes).

Free Parking in adjacent field.

In aid of Emery Down Church.


The following planning applications for Minstead are out for consultation this week:

No:              18/00278

Address:      Yew Tree House, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:      Raising ridge height of existing outbuilding to facilitate first floor;

5no. rooflights; single storey extensions; cladding


Ends:           Wednesday 8th August

No:              18/00279

Address:      Yew Tree House, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:      Re-roofing and conversion of barn to dwelling


Ends:           Wednesday 8th August

Information about planning can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

Add us to your address book

eNewsletter 8th July 2018


Minstead Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 10th July Social Club

WoW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 11th July Green Room

Study Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration 12.30pm Saturday 14th July

Free entry!

Present Laughter 7.45pm Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st Vernon Theatre

New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 28th July Venue tba

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.


Along with many in the Village the Parish Council much regrets and is deeply saddened by the closing of the Village Shop which has been in existence in one form or another for over 200 years.  We are very grateful for the number of suggestions and offers of advice and help we have received and are actively exploring possible options for the future in order to conduct a village wide survey in the near future.  This survey will ask for your thoughts, ideas and suggestions for the future and we hope to promulgate it in as many ways as possible to reach all households in the village.


At the risk of stating the obvious the current heatwave represents a hazard to the old, babies, young people and those with certain medical conditions.  There is a lot of useful advice on coping in hot weather that can be found on the NHS website and also on the Met Office website.

And perhaps even more obviously, the Fire Severity Index for the New Forest is now assessed as Very High by the Met Office, one less than the maximum rating. This is an assessment of how severe a fire could become if one were to start rather than the risk of one occurring.  The NPA website contains a lot of sensible advice on the prevention of accidental fires which can be read by clicking here.

If you spot a wildfire call 999 immediately, try to give your exact location, including any landmarks and if possible meet the fire engine to give directions.


There is not a lot of ragwort around in the Village this year (other than on the A31 central reservation!) so we suggest everyone clears what they can find this week in their own immediate neighbourhood and disposes of it with their normal rubbish collection.  If you collect a large amount please contact Councillor Richard Taylor who may be able to help.

We recommend you wear gloves and a hi-vis vest if you are on the road and you may find a small fork helpful in this dry weather.

If anyone can spare a bit of time helping Councillors clear the far side of the Glebe land (behind Congleton Close) that would be much appreciated.


For several years our Lengthsman, Stephen Short has devoted many hours in all weathers around the village clearing our footpaths to keep them passable, cleaning signs, repairing the bus shelter, maintaining street furniture, helping to resolve flooding issues, clearing ditches and a host of other small but important jobs to help keep our village functioning and looking tidy.  We are sure everyone will join us in thanking him for all he does.


8pm in the Social Club Tuesday 10th July

A further reminder that this month Carole Standeven will lead a talk about Minstead Players.  She asks that as many people as possible can attend to help identify from photographs some of the people involved over the years.

All welcome!


Free entrance!

Minstead Study Centre would like to invite you to its Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday July 14th 2018 from 12.30 to 4.30pm. The Centre has been running for 50 golden years inspiring all its thousands of visitors to ‘tread more lightly on the Earth’.
There will be lots of fun activities to enjoy: Hand to Mouth Puppet Show, music and dancing, wonderful food and much, much more.
We are aiming to put together a collage of memories and photos of all the past school visits to display at the event. We would like you to send us your fond memories/photos or bring them along and add them to the memory wall.
We all look forward to catching up with as many Villagers as possible on the day!


Many apologies to the Speedwatch Team for stating in last week’s eNewsletter that their recent activities had been in Bull Lane when in fact they were, of course, busy in Mill Lane!  This was a slip of the editor’s pen or whatever is the keyboard equivalent.

Many thanks to them for all they do!


Saturday 21 July 2018 2.30 – 5.00 pm

Emery Down and Bank Village Hall

Fun Dog Show starts at 2.45 pm with Fancy Dress for Dogs, Children and Adults, followed by Fun

Dog Classes. Cream Teas, Cake Stall and Raffe.

Entry at the gate: Adults £1 (children free), Dogs £5 for show (covers all classes).

Free Parking in adjacent field.

In aid of Emery Down Church.


There are no new planning applications for Minstead this week.

Information about planning can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

Add us to your address book

eNewsletter 1st July 2018


Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 2nd July Danby Room

Minstead Trust Summer Fete 12.30pm Saturday 7th July (see below)

Junior Minstead Water Park Visit Sunday 8th July

Minstead Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 10th July Social Club (see below)

WoW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 11th July Green Room

Study Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration 12.30pm Saturday 14th July

Free entry!

Present Laughter 7.45pm Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st Vernon Theatre

New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 28th July Village Shop

…and coming up on Saturday 11th August

Our Village Fete in conjunction with the Trusty’s annual beer and cider festival and the return of the Great Minstead Bake Off 2018!

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.


SATURDAY 7TH JULY, 12.30 – 4.30PM.

Prize Draw, Refreshments & Beer Tent, Tombola, cake stall and lots, lots more including photo opportunities with a life size Dalek replica.

Free entry, or £2 car parking.

We are asking people to follow the signs to the Fete and enter Minstead Lodge through our south entrance, near Football Green.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact Clare Young,  Marketing Co-ordinator, Email: Tel: 023 8081 229 or visit the Minstead Trust website.


8pm in the Social Club Tuesday 10th July

This month Carole Standeven will lead a talk about Minstead Players.  She asks that as many people as possible can attend to help identify from photographs some of the people involved over the years.

All welcome!


The June edition of our Beat Report can be read by clicking here.

Always a good read, of particular interest this month are the latest crime reports, some helpful advice on bike security and a speedwatch report for Mill Lane.

Our PCSO, Richard Williams is hoping to run a Crime Prevention Club in the summer holidays for anyone aged between 10 and 15. The idea is that once a week for a couple of hours the club would go to various venues in the New Forest and pass on crime prevention advice that will stop people becoming victims of crime. You will also have a lot of fun too. Places will be limited so if you know someone who would like to join Richard then send him an email as soon as possible! (

Please note that our next Beat surgery will be at 10am on Saturday 28th July at the Village Shop.


A second joint public consultation has been launched on how the management of recreation in the New Forest can be improved.  It lasts for 8 weeks (18 June – 12 August) and builds on the results of last year’s consultation asking for feedback on 25 draft proposed actions and ways in which these could be delivered.

The proposals have been designed to update the actions in the existing Recreation Management Strategy and:

  • Protect the spectacular yet fragile wildlife-rich landscape that people come to see
  • Manage recreation for local people and visitors
  • Use limited resources wisely

Last year over 1500 individuals and 50 organisations responded – and your input to the current consultation would be welcome.

The news release about the consultation can be found here, additional information (several linked webpages) here and the online survey itself here.


Click here to read New Forest District Council latest guidance on what items can be put into our clear sacks and recycled.

These are: Plastic Bottles; Paper; Card; Cans;Tins; and Aerosols.

If you put anything else into your clear sacks they have to be filtered out and sent elsewhere which is an expensive process.


The following planning application for Minstead is out for consultation this week:

No:              18/00387

Address:      Canterton Manor Farm, Brook, Lyndhurst, SO43 7HD

Proposal:      Retention of temporary residential mobile home


Ends:           Monday 9th July

Further details and other planning information can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

Add us to your address book

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

eNewsletter 24th June 2018


Junior Minstead Wacky Sports Day 2pm 24th June Yew Tree Cottage

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 2nd July Danby Room

Minstead Trust Summer Fete 12.30pm Saturday 7th July

Junior Minstead Water Park Visit Sunday 8th July

Minstead Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 10th July Social Club

WoW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 11th July Green Room

Study Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration 12.30pm Saturday 14th July

Free entry!

Present Laughter 7.45pm Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st Vernon Theatre

New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

 Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.



An exciting afternoon of wacky sports! From limbo to horse races, and space hoppers to marshmallows, there will be something for everyone! Intrigued?!

Members of Junior Minstead are welcome to bring friends and family to join us. Please contact Kirsten on to book your places.

Location: Yew Tree Cottage – Minstead


Armed Forces Day Flag

Although we won’t be able to display the Armed Forces Day Flag in quite such a cool way as this we shall be flying it all this week from the mast on the Village Green.

Armed Forces Day itself next Saturday 30th June will see events taking place all over the country in support of the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.

There are many events in Hampshire and the New Forest including a Band Concert in Burley, a Special Open Day in Lymington and a service in Ringwood on Sunday 1st July.  Click here to find out more about these local events and visit the Armed Forces Day website for further information.


Click here to read the Summer 2018 edition of Minstead Mail which has now been delivered in hard copy to all households in the Parish.  Many thanks to Councillor Georgie Hough for producing this.

Earlier editions can also be found on the village website.


See All Saints Notices 24th June 2018 and Benefice Notices 24th June 2018 to find out about services and to read the latest church notices.  Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.


“We have spent the past 10 years developing the product, SertaSil that strongly supports wound healing. It is not an antibiotic or antiseptic but a passive immunotherapy that helps the immune system to heal the wound.

We are in the process of gathering photos for use in marketing – such as before, during and after…

Therefore, we would like to offer SertaSil for free for a period of time to people in the Minstead area who have a horse or a pet with a wound that does not heal easily. We would take photos before applying it, explain and/or show how to use it, come and help regularly at dressing changes and take photos. We would also need a photo of the healed wound.

It is a novel product that has been very well received. For example a fond user of SertaSil is Simon Knapp, who is the vet responsible for the Royal Mews and senior vet at several racecourses and Guards Polo Club.

More information can be seen here:

Please contact: Frank or Jeanette Sams-Dodd at
Phone: 023 8081 2325”


Hampshire County Council is asking for residents’ and stakeholders’ views in a consultation on options for applying budget reductions to subsidies for public transport and street lighting.  This will close at midnight on Sunday 5 August 2018. The County Council is seeking to make savings through changes to financial support for public transport services. Feedback from passengers will be carefully looked at, alongside data on passenger journeys and the cost of providing individual journeys or services. The core funding for the operation of community transport schemes, such as Dial-a-Ride, Call and Go and Minibus Group Hire Schemes, are not included in these proposals. This consultation does include questions on proposals to change the discretionary discount for holders of older persons’ bus passes on some community transport services. The County Council is also asking for views on proposals to switch off some street lights for two or more hours during the night. This would mean that some areas of the county would have no street lighting for a period of the night time.

We will publish the results of this consultation on this website. The findings from the consultation will be presented to the Executive Member for Environment and Transport, for consideration when making decisions, later in the year.

Give us your views – respond online

Before completing the form it is strongly recommended that people take time to read the Information Pack. This sets out background information, the proposed changes and their potential impact.


New Forest District Council is working with Southampton City Council on a public consultation about a Clean Air Zone in the city.

Clean Air Zones (CAZ) are areas where targeted action is taken to improve air quality. They are being introduced nationally to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide. Southampton City Council and New Forest District Council have been asked by government to assess the need for a Clean Air Zone (CAZ).
Cllr Alison Hoare, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services at New Forest District Council said, “We are working closely with Southampton City Council on proposals to deliver nitrogen dioxide legal compliance in both Southampton City and the small stretch of the A35 affected in the New Forest.

“Assessments so far have shown that New Forest District Council should be compliant with legal levels without any additional measures by 2020. But measures proposed in Southampton should deliver even more improvements in air quality in the New Forest.”

The survey can be completed between 21 June and 13 September 2018 at where there is more information.

A study suggests a charging scheme is needed in Southampton for the most polluting buses, coaches, taxis and heavy goods vehicles.
A final plan will be submitted to government for approval in Autumn 2018 and the consultation will inform how that plan will look.


The following planning application for Minstead is out for consultation this week:

No:              18/00387

Address:      Canterton Manor Farm, Brook, Lyndhurst, SO43 7HD

Proposal:      Retention of temporary residential mobile home


Ends:           Monday 9th July

Further details and other planning information can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

Add us to your address book