eNewsletter 1st July 2018


Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 2nd July Danby Room

Minstead Trust Summer Fete 12.30pm Saturday 7th July (see below)

Junior Minstead Water Park Visit Sunday 8th July

Minstead Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 10th July Social Club (see below)

WoW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 11th July Green Room

Study Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration 12.30pm Saturday 14th July

Free entry!

Present Laughter 7.45pm Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st Vernon Theatre

New Forest Show 24th, 25th, 26th July

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 28th July Village Shop

…and coming up on Saturday 11th August

Our Village Fete in conjunction with the Trusty’s annual beer and cider festival and the return of the Great Minstead Bake Off 2018!

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.

Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar. Items for the eNewsletter should be with us by the preceding Friday.


SATURDAY 7TH JULY, 12.30 – 4.30PM.

Prize Draw, Refreshments & Beer Tent, Tombola, cake stall and lots, lots more including photo opportunities with a life size Dalek replica.

Free entry, or £2 car parking.

We are asking people to follow the signs to the Fete and enter Minstead Lodge through our south entrance, near Football Green.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact Clare Young,  Marketing Co-ordinator, Email: Clare.Young@minsteadtrust.org.uk Tel: 023 8081 229 or visit the Minstead Trust website.


8pm in the Social Club Tuesday 10th July

This month Carole Standeven will lead a talk about Minstead Players.  She asks that as many people as possible can attend to help identify from photographs some of the people involved over the years.

All welcome!


The June edition of our Beat Report can be read by clicking here.

Always a good read, of particular interest this month are the latest crime reports, some helpful advice on bike security and a speedwatch report for Mill Lane.

Our PCSO, Richard Williams is hoping to run a Crime Prevention Club in the summer holidays for anyone aged between 10 and 15. The idea is that once a week for a couple of hours the club would go to various venues in the New Forest and pass on crime prevention advice that will stop people becoming victims of crime. You will also have a lot of fun too. Places will be limited so if you know someone who would like to join Richard then send him an email as soon as possible! (richard.williams@hampshire.pnn.police.uk).

Please note that our next Beat surgery will be at 10am on Saturday 28th July at the Village Shop.


A second joint public consultation has been launched on how the management of recreation in the New Forest can be improved.  It lasts for 8 weeks (18 June – 12 August) and builds on the results of last year’s consultation asking for feedback on 25 draft proposed actions and ways in which these could be delivered.

The proposals have been designed to update the actions in the existing Recreation Management Strategy and:

  • Protect the spectacular yet fragile wildlife-rich landscape that people come to see
  • Manage recreation for local people and visitors
  • Use limited resources wisely

Last year over 1500 individuals and 50 organisations responded – and your input to the current consultation would be welcome.

The news release about the consultation can be found here, additional information (several linked webpages) here and the online survey itself here.


Click here to read New Forest District Council latest guidance on what items can be put into our clear sacks and recycled.

These are: Plastic Bottles; Paper; Card; Cans;Tins; and Aerosols.

If you put anything else into your clear sacks they have to be filtered out and sent elsewhere which is an expensive process.


The following planning application for Minstead is out for consultation this week:

No:              18/00387

Address:      Canterton Manor Farm, Brook, Lyndhurst, SO43 7HD

Proposal:      Retention of temporary residential mobile home


Ends:           Monday 9th July

Further details and other planning information can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( http://test.minstead.org.uk )

To contact the Editor please use minsteadpc@gmail.com
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting  https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

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