eNewsletter 12th July 2020

Minstead eNewsletter 12th July 2020


The letter below was sent to try to encourage better communication, action, and responses.

We have received replies from The Verderers, Natural England, and Openreach. 

All promise progress in the near future but as yet there are no firm dates.  

We will continue to try to get solid information on this issue.


From: Minstead Parish Council                                               29/06/2020

Open Plea to all Stakeholders Involved in Building Fibre to the Premises Broadband Infrastructure in Minstead.


Natural England

Forestry England

Verderers of the New Forest

Hampshire County Council 

New Forest NPA

The Rt Hon Dr. Julian Lewis MP

This is a plea for help from Minstead Parish Council.

We understand that work by Openreach building broadband infrastructure in the New Forest (including Minstead) has been severely restricted and delayed due to issues working on nationally and internationally important designated sites.  We also understand that this issue is being discussed at ‘National Level’ by the various ‘stakeholders’ – Openreach, Natural England, Forestry England, The Verderers of the New Forest, and Hampshire County Council.  This is a long running problem and no progress has been made in the last six months.

Please can all those involved in this issue remember that their actions have real effects on real people and be mindful of the extraordinary impact non-fulfilment of this build is having on beleaguered residents.

Sort out the issues as quickly as possible and build the broadband we have been promised, the broadband we desperately need, the broadband which has become essential for almost every aspect of our modern lives.


Richard Taylor – Vice Chairman, Minstead Parish Council



If you need heating oil before September, please send your requirement to minsteadoil@gmail.com by 9am on Wednesday 15th July.

Anticipated delivery will be 10 working days but I will inform you of the price, supplier and expected delivery once the orders have been placed.

September orders should be with me by 9am on Wednesday 16th September. 


Minstead Parish Council would urge all of our sporting parishioners to exercise common sense and restraint when practicing.  Please make sure you don’t propel potentially dangerous objects into areas where both livestock and the public may roam free.  The authorities have enough to worry about right now – let’s not waste their time on this. 


The first phase of Census 2021 recruitment in England and Wales has started and the Office for National Statistics needs your help to recruit local people.

Local people make the census, and ONS will be hiring thousands of people over the coming months.  Anyone who is interested in any of the roles can register now at  www.censusjobs.co.uk   

The first adverts for the census engagement manager roles go live on the website above from 7 July 2020.  The deadline to apply for these roles is 31 July 2020.  The salary range for these roles is from £18.87 to £24.56 per hour dependent on location.  The contracted hours are 37 per week, the hours are flexible but will include some evening and weekend work.

You will see adverts locally, in the press, and on social media.  ONS have asked that local authorities share these details as widely as possible. 


Click here to read the Beat Report for June 2020.

Keep an eye on the New Forest Heart Facebook Page for the latest from our police and don’t hesitate to contact them if there is anything you think they can help you with. Sadly crime of all kinds continues.