All posts by Bill Andrews

eNewsletter 12th July 2020

Minstead eNewsletter 12th July 2020


The letter below was sent to try to encourage better communication, action, and responses.

We have received replies from The Verderers, Natural England, and Openreach. 

All promise progress in the near future but as yet there are no firm dates.  

We will continue to try to get solid information on this issue.


From: Minstead Parish Council                                               29/06/2020

Open Plea to all Stakeholders Involved in Building Fibre to the Premises Broadband Infrastructure in Minstead.


Natural England

Forestry England

Verderers of the New Forest

Hampshire County Council 

New Forest NPA

The Rt Hon Dr. Julian Lewis MP

This is a plea for help from Minstead Parish Council.

We understand that work by Openreach building broadband infrastructure in the New Forest (including Minstead) has been severely restricted and delayed due to issues working on nationally and internationally important designated sites.  We also understand that this issue is being discussed at ‘National Level’ by the various ‘stakeholders’ – Openreach, Natural England, Forestry England, The Verderers of the New Forest, and Hampshire County Council.  This is a long running problem and no progress has been made in the last six months.

Please can all those involved in this issue remember that their actions have real effects on real people and be mindful of the extraordinary impact non-fulfilment of this build is having on beleaguered residents.

Sort out the issues as quickly as possible and build the broadband we have been promised, the broadband we desperately need, the broadband which has become essential for almost every aspect of our modern lives.


Richard Taylor – Vice Chairman, Minstead Parish Council



If you need heating oil before September, please send your requirement to by 9am on Wednesday 15th July.

Anticipated delivery will be 10 working days but I will inform you of the price, supplier and expected delivery once the orders have been placed.

September orders should be with me by 9am on Wednesday 16th September. 


Minstead Parish Council would urge all of our sporting parishioners to exercise common sense and restraint when practicing.  Please make sure you don’t propel potentially dangerous objects into areas where both livestock and the public may roam free.  The authorities have enough to worry about right now – let’s not waste their time on this. 


The first phase of Census 2021 recruitment in England and Wales has started and the Office for National Statistics needs your help to recruit local people.

Local people make the census, and ONS will be hiring thousands of people over the coming months.  Anyone who is interested in any of the roles can register now at   

The first adverts for the census engagement manager roles go live on the website above from 7 July 2020.  The deadline to apply for these roles is 31 July 2020.  The salary range for these roles is from £18.87 to £24.56 per hour dependent on location.  The contracted hours are 37 per week, the hours are flexible but will include some evening and weekend work.

You will see adverts locally, in the press, and on social media.  ONS have asked that local authorities share these details as widely as possible. 


Click here to read the Beat Report for June 2020.

Keep an eye on the New Forest Heart Facebook Page for the latest from our police and don’t hesitate to contact them if there is anything you think they can help you with. Sadly crime of all kinds continues.

eNewsletter 20th October 2019

eNewsletter 20th October 2019




French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre

Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October

Designing and Planting Garden Borders 1.30-5pm Sat 26th October Study Centre

Build a bird feeder 10am-3.30pm Monday 28th October Furzey Gardens

Tales in the twilight garden 4pm Tuesday 29th October Furzey Gardens

Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre

Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room

A History of Furzey 1pm Friday 8th November Furzey Gardens

Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Armistice Day Monday 11th November


Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in November and later in the year can be seen by visiting
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletterand Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


The Curate’s Notebook (handed to Revd. David in September by a woman who didn’t leave her name) has now been passed to an expert in the conservation of historic documents. The work to be done is delicate and will take many months. In due course, the book will be available for reading /viewing. The possibility has been discussed of digitising the information so that it will be accessible to all.

Though this is the original book, a copy in full exists in the Winchester  Records Office. So someone in the past had copied the entire book out by hand.   How intriguing.



Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 20th October.

Please note that there will be a Remembrance Sunday Service starting at 10.50am on 10th November followed by a wreath laying at the war memorial.



To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email:



New Forest NPA have launched the “Add 3 Minutes” Campaign aimed at reducing animal deaths on our roads, see



The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:


No:             19/00691

Address:      Blackwater Cottage, Blackwater, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FL

Proposal:      Single storey extension (demolition of conservatory)


Ends:           Wed 23rd October


Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 19th May 2019

eNewsletter 19thMay 2019



Choir from Scratch 6pm Sunday 19th May Christ Church Emery Down

C17 Litterpick 10am Wednesday 22nd May Andrews Mare Car Park

Primula Walk at Furzey 1pm Thurs 23rd May

EU Elections 0700-2200 Thursday 23rdMay in DANBY Room of Village Hall

Much Ado about Nothing 6.30pm Sat 25thMay Furzey Gardens

Spring Bank Holiday Monday 27thMay

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 3rdJune Danby Room

Furzey Free Guided Walk 11am Tuesday 4thJune

Furzey Toddle 11am Thursday 6thJune

A Summer Evening at Furzey 6.30pm Friday 7thJune

Queen’s Official Birthday Saturday 8thJune

D Day 1940s Evening 7.30pm Saturday 8thJune Social Club

Click on the links above to find out more!
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletterand Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *


This is the penultimate week in which to contribute or donate in support of this scheme and you can see how close we are here

We really do need anyone who has pledged to pay to do so this week.

Everybody needs to consider that the scheme will fail and the properties on the CFBS list will not have FTTP available unless we can all raise the required total.

Please contact the Chairman of the Parish Council on 07751064493 or email minsteadchairman@gmail.comfor details of how to contribute your share (CFBS), or to make a goodwill donation (Wave2)  if you have not yet done so.



Click HERE to see the latest notices for All Saints Church and the Benefice.

Whilst you’re there also see the advertisement for

Two Admin Vacancies in the Benefice Office   


The Happy Fryer and will be supplying Freshly cooked Fish and Chips at Minstead Club every Thursday Evening from 6pm.


D-DAY/1940s Evening 7.30pm onwards

Calling all Land Girls, Armed Forces and Civvies!

Dress up (optional) and join us for a themed evening of remembrance and fun!

Sing along to old war tunes and dance away to the songs of the forties!

Experience a simulated air raid!!

Make a note now in your diary!

Non members and families more than welcome

(kids, you must make sure that your adults remain supervised)

There will be a collection for Help for Heroes throughout the evening.



The next litterpick is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd May 2019 meeting in Andrew’s Mare car park at 10am. As usual, we will cover both sides of the road from the A31 cattlegrid to the Newtown/Acres Down Crossroads and it will take approx one and a half hours.

McDonalds will provide the bags and litterpicking sticks. Everyone is welcome.

Any questions please email





…for an event in Christ Church, Emery Down at 6 pm on Sunday 19 May 2019.

We are hoping that singers will volunteer to be part of a scratch choir; any age, any ability, any parish.

If you wish to sing and help to fill the church with wonderful music, please contact Robert Osborne – 023 8081 2375.



19/00388   Retention of replacement oil tank  


Consultation ends 14thJune 2019



Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting




eNewsletter 12th May 2019

eNewsletter 12thMay 2019



Minstead History Group8pm Tues 14thMay Social Club

Beat Surgery4pm Saturday 18thMay Trusty Servant

Choir from Scratch6pm Sunday 19thMay Christ Church Emery Down

Litterpick10am Wednesday 22ndMay Andrews Mare Car Park

Primula Walk at Furzey1pm Thurs 23rdMay

Much Ado about Nothing6.30pm Sat 25thMay Furzey Gardens

Spring Bank Holiday Monday 27thMay

Parish Council Meeting7.30pm Monday 3rdJune Danby Room

Furzey Free Guided Walk11am Tuesday 4thJune

Furzey Toddle11am Thursday 6thJune

A Summer Evening at Furzey6.30pm Friday 7thJune

Queen’s Official Birthday Saturday 8thJune

D Day 1940s Evening7.30pm Saturday 8thJune Social Club

Click on the links above to find out more!
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletterand Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *


We are STILLshort of the total that needs to be paid and really do need those of you who have already pledged to pay, to do so now.

Everybody needs to consider that the scheme will fail and the properties on the CFBS list will not have FTTP available unless we can all raise the required total.

Please contact the Chairman of the Parish Council on 07751064493 or email minsteadchairman@gmail.comfor details of how to contribute your share, or to make a goodwill donation.

The current situation may be seen here



Please note that the next meeting will be in the Social club this Tuesday 14thMay at 8pm.  This month the theme will be:

Junior Minstead Panto – musical moments remembered, with love songs, food songs and nonsense songs, recordings and live music.

(Maybe including ‘Baked bean Stew’.)

All welcome!



The Pop-up Café last Sunday took £150.47 which is clear profit – no expenses!

Congratulations and many thanks to all involved and watch this space for future events!




The Happy Fryer and will be supplying Freshly cooked Fish and Chips at Minstead Club every Thursday Evening from 6pm..


D-DAY/1940s Evening 7.30pm onwards

Calling all Land Girls, Armed Forces and Civvies!

Dress up (optional) and join us for a themed evening of remembrance and fun!

Sing along to old war tunes and dance away to the songs of the forties!

Experience a simulated air raid!!

Make a note now in your diary!

Non members and families more than welcome

(kids, you must make sure that your adults remain supervised)

There will be a collection for Help for Heroes throughout the evening.



The next litterpick is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd May 2019 meeting in Andrew’s Mare car park at 10am. As usual, we will cover both sides of the road from the A31 cattlegrid to the Newtown/Acres Down Crossroads and it will take approx one and a half hours.

McDonalds will provide the bags and litterpicking sticks. Everyone is welcome.

Any questions please email



The next Oil Orders should be sent to by 9am on Wednesday next, the 15th May. Anticipated delivery would be within 2 weeks of this but might be earlier.

As this is ‘summer’ the subsequent order dates will be July 17th and September 18th and thereafter monthly.




…for an event in Christ Church, Emery Down at 6 pm on Sunday 19 May2019.

We are hoping that singers will volunteer to be part of a scratch choir; any age, any ability, any parish.

If you wish to sing and help to fill the church with wonderful music, please contact Robert Osborne – 02380 812375.



Do you receive full council tax reduction?  If so, you may be eligible for one of NFDC’s half price Appletree Careline community alarms.  At weekly cost of £1.85 and a one-off £15.00 installation fee, this saves you £1.80 per week on the rental and £20.00 on the installation fee.

Contact us to find out more or share the information with someone else who could benefit from this offer.

Tel 023 8028 5523, Email or visit



Click HEREto see the latest notices for All Saints Church and the Benefice.



There are no Planning Applications for Minstead out for consultation this week.


Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting



eNewsletter 20th January 2019

eNewsletter 20thJanuary 2019


Trusty Servant– Burns’ Night dinner is CANCELLED. The Trusty is Now Open from 9am every day for Breakfast, Brunch, Morning Tea, Coffee and Cake

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 31stJanuary All Saint Church

It’s a Wonderful Life (live radio play) Lyndhurst Drama and Music Society

Thurs 31stJan, Fri & Sat 1st& 2ndFeb Vernon Theatre

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 4thFeb Danby Room

C17 Litterpick10am Wed 6thFeb Andrews Mare car park

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 12thFeb Social Club

Fruit Pruning 10am-3.30pm Saturday 16thFeb Study Centre

Garden Willow Workshop 10am-4pm Saturday 23rdFeb Study Centre


Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.

If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


*  *  *  *  *  *  *


Please be careful what garden waste you throw out on to the open forest.

Cut Laurel, Yew and mowings in particular are believed to be dangerous to animals.

Further advice and guidance has been issued by the Verderers under the Higher Level Stewardship scheme and can be read by clicking HERE and there is plenty of other information on the Village Website.


Click All Saints for further information about services and events.

Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more.

The next Open Door Cafe will be held in the Church on Thursday 31stJanuary at 2pm.




Jim was born in Minstead in 1931 and his home was always here.

He was always involved in Village Life in one way or another.

A Founder member of Minstead Social Club, he was Committee member, Chairman and President for very many years.

He was a Parish Councillor in the 1970s.

Jim Gailor died at 87 last weekend.

Jim’s funeral will be at Test Valley Crematorium (SO51 6AB) at 1045am on Friday 1stFebruary and afterwards at Minstead Social Club.




The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation this week:


Case No:               19/00013

Address:               Stoney Cross Travel Lodge, Ringwood Road, Stoney Cross,

Lyndhurst, SO43 7GN

Proposal:               Display of 4No. internally illuminated fascia signs;

1No. internally illuminated wall mounted fascia sign;

1No. internally illuminated totem sign;

2No. non-illuminated totem signs (Application for Advertisement Consent)

Consultation  Ends:                    Mon 11thFeb 2019


Case No:               19/00900

Address:               My Way, The Grove, Minstead, SO43 7GG

Proposal:               Bungalow; bin and cycle store; removal of existing mobile


Consultation  Ends:                    Thurs 14thFeb 2019


Visit the NPA website for further planning information.



This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy

To contact the Editor please use

To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting

Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.



eNewsletter 28th October 2018


Daylight Saving ended – clocks went back 1 hour from 2am Sunday 28th October

Parish Council 7.30pm Monday 5th November Danby Room

New Forest Community Heritage Fair 10am Tues 6th Nov Community Centre

Strictly Minstead 1.30 pm Saturday 10th November at the Study Centre

Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day Service 10.50am Sunday 11th November at All Saints Church

Click on the links above to find out more.
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event you are hosting or of any incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.

If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
New Forest commoners are urging drivers to be extra careful this winter to reduce the annual spike in animal road deaths after the clocks go back.
Please see the whole article at 

Please be respectful of your neighbours, and thoughtful of animals, both domesticated and wild, when planning your entertainment.

Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.

For various reasons this year we do not have anyone available to do house to house collection in Minstead and Emery Down.
There are boxes with Poppies, metal pins and wristbands at The Trusty Servant Inn, New Forest Inn, Minstead Social Club, Minstead Lodge & Furzey Gardens.
Poppies, pins and bands might also be available from Cllr Helen Bennett by telephoning her on 023 8081 2358 (leave a message if no answer) 


Production and circulation of the next (paper) Minstead Mail is delayed, and we are still considering whether to withdraw this. 
For the time being we are still collecting material and would be grateful for any contributions including details of local events over the next 3-4 months and any items of interest to Minstead residents. Please forward to


The following Planning Applications are out for consultation:

Appl No:                        18/00707

Address:               Old Cobley House (the new name for Faeries Cottage), Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA

Proposal:                Replacement of tiled roof on barn with thatched roof


ends:                     Wednesday 31st October


Appl No:                        18/00775

Address:             Land At Long Aldermoor Farm, Acres Down, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GE

Proposal:          Application under part 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 in respect of the siting, appearance and design of an               agricultural building

Appl No:                        18/00776

Address:               Land At Sinefield Farm, Acres Down, Minstead, Lyndhurst,

                                 SO43 7GA

Proposal:             Application under part 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 in respect of an extension to an existing agricultural building.

Visit the NPA website for further information

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

eNewsletter 3rd June 2018

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4thJune Danby Room

Free guided walk at Furzey Gardens 11am Tuesday 5thJune

Queen’s Official Birthday Saturday 9thJune

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 12thJune Social Club

Furzey Divine with Cheese and Wine 6.30pm Friday 15thJune at the Gardens

The Joy of Singing 11am Saturday 23rdJune Study Centre

For further information click on the links above and to keep in touch follow us on Facebook.


Please let us know at if you would like us to spread the word around the Village of any incident or forthcoming event in the parish which may be of local community interest and we can include it on our Facebook page or in this weekly eNewsletter as appropriate and also put it on the Village Website calendar.

May we remind you that, unless in emergency, copy for inclusion in these Newsletters should be received at by the preceding Friday at the latest.


See All Saints Notices 3rdJune 2018 and Benefice Notices 3rdJune2018 to find out about services and to read the latest church notices.

Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.


We received this reminiscence relating to the Airborne Service at All Saints Church this morning.


Here is the latest news of events at Lyndhurst Surgery.


Here is the Beat Report for May


The following planning applications for Minstead are out for consultation this week.

No:             18/00354

Address:      Willow Green, Seamans Lane, Minstead SO43 7FU

Proposal:      Single storey rear extension; raised terrace; demolition of existing



Ends:           Wed 20 Jun 2018

No:             18/00226

Address:      Land Of Thistledown Farm, School Lane, Minstead, Lyndhurst,

SO43 7GL

Proposal:      Manege; drainage network and soakaway


Ends:           Thu 21 Jun 2018

Further details and other planning information can be found by visiting the NPA website.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council ( )

To contact the Editor please use

To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
Copyright © 2018 Minstead Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Minstead Parish Council

Curtle Cottage


Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7HA

United Kingdom

Add us to your address book

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

eNewsletter 18th February 2018


Furzey Gardens February and March Events (see below)

Village Lunch 20th February at 1230 Trusty Servant Inn
Minstead Players Play reading 21st February at 8pmDeerhurst, Pinkney Lane, Lyndhurst

Furzey Gardens Local Residents’ Day 24th & 25th February – SO43 Postcode only

Christopher Tower Reference Library OPEN DAY 24th February 10 -3 pm.

New Forest National Park Local Plan Consultation Closing Date February 28th Respond NOW

New Forest SPRING CLEAN in Minstead 3rd March 10am to 1 pm
For further information click the links above, visit the Village website and follow us on Facebook

To contact the editor of these eNewsletters please use


Departing from tradition this play, written by Nigel Pascoe, was performed as a Radio Production in Lyndhurst last week to raise funds for All Saints Church Minstead Tower Repair Fund.  All members of the cast were from either Minstead Players or Lyndhurst Drama Society and it was directed by Michele Arkle.

This dramatic story about society’s interaction with mental health, prejudice and passion was extremely well supported and I am delighted to say that £1,595. 95 has been raised for the Fund.   Included in this figure was £638 from the raffle and silent auction that was run by Peter and Helen Bennett.

We would like to thank St Michaels and All Angels Church Lyndhurst for their support and co-operation with this enterprising production and also huge thanks for the wonderful raffle prizes and donations from the villages. There were over thirty prizes on each night and this contributed greatly to the successful fundraising.


Special Request for local grazing for 8-10 weeks in Spring

“I am passionate about restoring and maintaining my fields in Minstead and in keeping with NFNPA policies.
I use an organic new forest seed as recommended by the NFNPA and over the years have only manually weed controlled.
This year I aim to over-seed and rest all the fields so I need to rent some land for my 3 animals for a couple of months.
If this is possible I would be very grateful.”
Carrie Lampitt
Malwood Walk House, 023 8081 2168; 07806 455705



Nigel Pascoe’s Premiere of “Made In Cornwall”, that played to rapturous applause on 9th and 10th, earned £1595.95 towards the All Saints’ Tower fund.

Many thanks to Nigel, the production team and cast as well as to all who attended and contributed to the fundraising.

See Parish & Benefice Notices to find out about services and to read the latest church notices.  Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.

What’s on at the Trusty in February

19th February – Local produce week – The Trusty’s fabulous team of chefs have carefully designed a menu using ingredients sourced as locally as possible!!
Call Laura or Leigh to book 02380812137
Minstead Players Play Reading & AGM
Minstead Players would like to invite you  to the next play reading  on Wednesday 21st February 2018 at 8pm at Deerhurst, Pinkney Lane Lyndhurst Hants SO43 7FE
This is an opportunity for us to read plays that we may perform in future. Attendance at the play reading is a chance to get together, read a play with a drink and some nibbles. There is no obligation to be in any future productions.
Please let us know if you intend to come via email:
Minstead Players are having a social evening with wine and cheese and AGM

in Minstead Social club on Tuesday 6th March 2018. The social evening starts at 7pm

The AGM will commence at 8pm for those wanting to stay.

Nominations for those wanting to join the committee to the secretary

We would love to see all those who are currently involved, have been involved in the past and who would like to become involved in the future for a drink and some nibbles.



Saturday, 24th February 10 -3 pm.  OPEN DAY

Run in conjunction with the New Forest Maps Exhibition in the Gallery,

an opportunity to see maps, books, photographs and ephemera first hand.

Staff and Volunteers will be available to answer your queries.


Love that Wedding Show at Minstead Lodge
Sunday 18th February, 11am – 3pm
Join us at Minstead Lodge where we are hosting a Love That Wedding Show. Come and meet lots of local suppliers and chat through your wedding plans.

Local Residents’ Day at Furzey Gardens
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February
Free entry to SO43 residents to celebrate the start of a New Year at Furzey Gardens and meet some of the Furzey Team. Just bring along a proof of address in the SO43 postcode to take advantage of the free entry.

Treat your mum at Furzey Gardens
Monday 5th March – Friday 16th March
Book a Furzey-licious special cream tea to treat your mum in celebration of Mothers Day

Dixieland Jazz & Supper, 7pm at Minstead Lodge
Friday 23rd March, 7pm
Join us for a night of crazy rhythm and good ole fashioned Ragtime. Tickets are just £35 and include an American Dixie inspired 2 course hot Buffet. All proceeds raised at the evening will go towards the work of Minstead Trust.


50th Birthday Celebration! Please save the date!

Minstead Study Centre would like to invite you to our Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday July 14th 2018 12.30 to 4.30pm. The centre has been running for 50 golden years inspiring all its thousands of visitors to ‘tread more lightly on the Earth’.

There will be lots of fun activities to enjoy: Hand to Mouth Puppet Show, music and dancing, wonderful food and much, much more.

We are aiming to put together a collage of memories and photos of all the past school visits to display at the event. We would like you to send us your fond memories/photos or bring them along and add them to the memory wall.

We all look forward to catching up with you on the day!

* * *


REPORT issues with roads to

REPORT Litter, flytipping, dumped cars and a whole host of other things whilst out and about using NFDC “New Forest In Touch App” available at your App/Play store
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
If you know of someone who does not receive email but might like to read this please print a copy and pass it to them.
If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know at or “unsubscribe” below
To keep up to date with events visit
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting
For past copies of eNewsletters visit

eNewsletter 11th February 2018

Minstead Oil Order by 0900 14th February

Minstead History Group 13th February at 8pm Social Club
Furzey Gardens Half Term Event & others (see below)
Valentines Day 14th February at the Trusty and Village shop (see below)
Village Lunch 20th February at 1230 Trusty Servant Inn
Minstead Players Play reading 21st February at 8pmDeerhurst, Pinkney Lane, Lyndhurst

Furzey Gardens Local Residents’ Day 24th & 25th February – SO43 Postcode only

New Forest National Park Local Plan Consultation Closing Date February 28th Respond NOW

New Forest SPRING CLEAN in Minstead 3rd March 10am to 1 pm
For further information click the links above, visit the Village website and follow us on Facebook

To contact the editor of these eNewsletters please use

Order day this month is Wednesday 14th February and your order for oil should be sent to by 9am – late orders are unlikely to be successful. You will be charged the best price I can negotiate and payment will be either before delivery if you are not known to the company, or after delivery by invoice.

Subsequent order dates will be March 14th then May 16th, July 18th and September 19th after which monthly dates recommence.


Police Beat Report January 2018 and Policing Survey 2017-2018 available to read and complete

Nigel Pascoe’s Premiere of “Made In Cornwall” played to rapturous applause on 9th and 10th, many thanks to all who attended and contributed to the fundraising.

See Parish & Benefice Notices to find out about services and to read the latest church notices.  Follow All Saints Church on Facebook and visit the Benefice website for more information.

14th February – Valentine’s Day.Treat your loved one to a gorgeous meal for two. Book now and receive a free glass of prosecco!
19th February – Local produce week – The Trusty’s fabulous team of chefs have carefully designed a menu using ingredients sourced as locally as possible!!
Call Laura or Leigh to book 02380812137

 Minstead Players would like to invite you  to the next play reading  on Wednesday 21st February 2018 at 8pm at Deerhurst, Pinkney Lane Lyndhurst Hants SO43 7FE
This is an opportunity for us to read plays that we may perform in future. Attendance at the play reading is a chance to get together, read a play with a drink and some nibbles. There is no obligation to be in any future productions.
Please let us know if you intend to come via email:

Valentines Breakfast – Wednesday 14th February
Join us for Valentines Day. Breakfast/Brunch served from 8am.
Dishes to include New Forest Smoked Trout with Scrambled Eggs and Sourdough, French Pancakes, Poached Egg and Avocado on Sourdough, Sausage Sandwich and a Full English.
We were fully booked last year so please book early!

Owl Experience Day – Thursday 15th February
A wonderful opportunity to meet and greet a Barn Owl & a Tawny Owl. Hold one of these majestic birds under the expert tuition of their handler, Mick. Learn about their history and habitats here in the New Forest. The birds will be in the shop throughout the day for you to meet.
We are holding two special workshops that you can attend for a more detailed insight to these birds and experience handling them.
Workshops 11:30-12pm and 2:30-3pm. £3 per person – maximum of 15.

To book either of the above events please email or call the shop on 02380813134.

Half Term Fun at Furzey Gardens: Decorate a Fairy Door or Castle

Monday 12th -16th February
Children can get creative in the bug barn at Furzey Gardens and decorate a fairy door or castle door. Tickets £3.50 when bought in advance, or £4 on the day

Love that Wedding Show at Minstead Lodge
Sunday 18th February, 11am – 3pm
Join us at Minstead Lodge where we are hosting a Love That Wedding Show. Come and meet lots of local suppliers and chat through your wedding plans.

Local Residents’ Day at Furzey Gardens
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February
Free entry to SO43 residents to celebrate the start of a New Year at Furzey Gardens and meet some of the Furzey Team. Just bring along a proof of address in the SO43 postcode to take advantage of the free entry.

Treat your mum at Furzey Gardens
Monday 5th March – Friday 16th March
Book a Furzey-licious special cream tea to treat your mum in celebration of Mothers Day

Dixieland Jazz & Supper, 7pm at Minstead Lodge
Friday 23rd March, 7pm
Join us for a night of crazy rhythm and good ole fashioned Ragtime. Tickets are just £35 and include an American Dixie inspired 2 course hot Buffet. All proceeds raised at the evening will go towards the work of Minstead Trust.


50th Birthday Celebration! Please save the date!

Minstead Study Centre would like to invite you to our Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday July 14th 2018 12.30 to 4.30pm. The centre has been running for 50 golden years inspiring all its thousands of visitors to ‘tread more lightly on the Earth’.

There will be lots of fun activities to enjoy: Hand to Mouth Puppet Show, music and dancing, wonderful food and much, much more.

We are aiming to put together a collage of memories and photos of all the past school visits to display at the event. We would like you to send us your fond memories/photos or bring them along and add them to the memory wall.

We all look forward to catching up with you on the day!

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Forest Forge Theatre Workshop for Children aged 7-11, Thursday 15th February

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REPORT issues with roads to

REPORT Litter, flytipping, dumped cars and a whole host of other things whilst out and about using NFDC “New Forest In Touch App” available at your App/Play store
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