This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (
as a public service.
If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them.
If you no longer wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.
Join in the great potato-in-a-bucket growing competition this year and collect your chitted seed potatoes from Steve Cattell (023 8081 3574) NOW!
They are chitting really well!
Open to local young people under 15 years old. Compete to grow the heaviest potato crop grown in a bucket (max size 14ltrs/3 gallons) from tubers provided by the Minstead Flower Show Society.
Please bring the growing potato in the bucket to the Show for judging
before 10.30a.m. Saturday 6th September 2014!
All Minstead villagers are welcome in the Trusty at 12.30pm to meet other local people and chat over lunch. Choice of meals at £6 per person or choose from the standard menu.
This year’s Social Club AGM will start at 8pm on Tuesday 22nd April.
For details, further information and to follow events see Facebook or ring 023 8081 2137. In particular:
*Friday 25th April Fabulous Four Course Fish Supper
£25 per person – book Early to avoid disappointment*
*Friday the 9th of May we are hosting a Trusty Locals Awards Night, basically The Oscars for the Trusty Regulars! All regulars are invited and everyone is asked to vote for each other in the categories we have created!
See awards form which can be filled in and returned to The Trusty or emailed to before the 2nd of May, not all categories have to be filled in and we have left a space for any ideas that people may have for extra awards.
The evening itself will be a dress to impress event with a Hollywood supper and who wins, only you can decide!!*
For details of Services and other events see the Benefice website and follow All Saints activities on Facebook.
Wednesday April 16th, 7pm – Benefice Compline.
Good Friday April 18th, 2pm – Devotional Hour.
Easter Day, Sunday April 20th, 9.30am – Parish Communion for Easter Day. (Followed at 10.30 by an Easter Egg hunt.)
Wednesday April 23rd, 8pm – Annual Meeting of Parishioners, at which Churchwardens are elected; followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).
Sunday April 27th, 10.30am – Service of the Word.
Please be considerate about when and where you have a bonfire. It is not friendly to smoke out your neighbour and you may be creating a health hazard. There is quite enough pollution around anyway without adding to it unnecessarily!
That is not to say you should not have a bonfire, but just that a bit of thought and care about the time, the location and the weather conditions can minimise any unpleasant side-effects.
If bonfires are causing a nuisance then it is possible for an Abatement Notice to be served upon the person responsible, owner or occupier of the premises (as appropriate) requiring that the nuisance be abated. Failure to comply with an Abatement Notice is an offence and legal proceedings may result. If found guilty of an offence of this type then the maximum fine is £5,000 for domestic premises and £20,000 for commercial premises.
For further information about how to make a complaint see Nuisance Bonfires on the NFDC website
or ring the Environmental Protection Section on 023 8028 5411.
Possible 20 MPH limit for the central village areas
Following a discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting it was decided to gauge the level of support for a reduction of the speed limit to 20mph for some areas of the village. It is hoped that a 20mph limit would give the message that our roads are used by so many different people and animals and for every user including the drivers it would make the village a much more pleasant and safer place to get around. The petition will be in the village shop for anyone to sign till just after Easter so please give it some thought and sign it if you agree that we should try to reduce the speed of the vehicles (and bicycles!)on our roads.
You may have seen reports in the news or online relating to internet security and the “Heartbleed Bug” advising you to change your passwords. If you wish to change some or all of your passwords to protect your accounts NFDC advises that the following links provide some guidance on password techniques and good password practices:
NFDIS provides free, confidential, impartial, disability related information and advice for anyone of any age with any disability, their families and carers. It has fully trained Advisers to support disability related welfare benefit applications, and offers advice on anything related to living with a disability. NFDIS sells a range of new and lightly used mobility equipment and daily living aids from its New Milton base which is open for personal callers or telephone enquiries on weekdays. Advisers visit venues monthly throughout the New Forest, including Lymington, Hythe, Totton, Ringwood, Fordingbridge and Lyndhurst.
If you are interested in hearing more about this service or would like a speaker to talk to your group please telephone the Helpline on 01425 628750, email or visit the website
We shall not be sending out an eNewsletter next week, Mon 21st April, but will resume normal service from 28th April.
The Parish Council wishes all its readers a very Happy Easter!
To keep up to date with Events and useful Information visit
(and bookmark) the new Minstead Village Community Website on your PC, Tablet or Phone at