eNewsletter 17th March 2014

This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (http://test.minstead.org.uk)

 as a public service.

If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them.

If you no longer wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.



You are invited to the Parish Annual Assembly at 8pm this Wednesday 19th March in the Village Hall (Green Room)

This is an opportunity to meet Councillors, hear about the activities of the Parish Council over the past year and make suggestions.

In addition, following representations from a number of parishioners, there will be presentations and a discussion about the provision of safer cycling routes for local residents.

This is your chance to talk directly to 2 of the bodies involved in provision of cycle routes, so don’t miss it, whatever your point of view!

For the Agenda and last year’s Minutes  look under Parish Council – if possible please bring you own copy along either paper or electronically.

Bar open afterwards, bread and cheese provided by the Parish Council!


All Minstead villagers are welcome in the Trusty from 1230 to meet other local people and chat over lunch. Choice of meals at £6 per person or choose from the standard menu.

 Howie Minstead Villagers – the Junior Minstead Pantomime is here again this Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd March!

Be on the lookout for the Villainous Betta – Knocker Family who have wandered into town – they are WANTED for cattle rustlin’!

The town is being looked after by our lovely but slightly incompetent Sheriff and his very competent assistant Deputy Justice Jane………but there is tension between the cow folk of Wilderness Creek and the Indians for Rainbow Springs!

Join us for the tale of “The Secret of Rainbow Springs…….”

Friday 21st March 7.30pm and Saturday 22nd March 7pm at Minstead Village Hall.

Tickets are on sale at the Village Shop £6 each (no concessions)


The next edition of Minstead Mail is now being assembled.  Once printed it will be delivered to all households in the Parish.  It will include information, items of interest and upcoming events for this summer and early autumn.

If you wish to contribute please email the Parish Council at minsteadpc@googlemail.com or contact the Clerk at clerk@minstead.gov.uk tel 023 8081 2375 by the end of March.

Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man Concert March 22nd

at 7.30pm St Michael and All Angels Church, Lyndhurst

Tickets (£10) are on sale at Minstead Village Shop or can be ordered from Berry Stone 023 8081 3719

See Armed Man Concert information flyer for more information about the concert.


For details, further information and to follow events see Facebook or ring 023 8081 2137.

We are also now taking entries for this year’s Forest’s Got Talent, win £1000 first prize, £500 second prize and the chance to perform at The Wave 105 Bournemouth Air Show




For details of Services and other events see the Benefice website.

and follow All Saints activities on Facebook.

Please note Sunday March 30th, 9.30 – Mothering Sunday Service – no Communion, starting at 9.30am.

Help is needed on Friday March 28th to make the posies.  Please have a word with Kate Tyrell or Isabel Yeo if you can offer some time.

Lent Groups in Minstead to which everyone is welcome are:

Thursdays 7.30pm in Church.

Tuesdays 10.30am in Church.

Church warden.  After the APCM on April 23rd George Dibben will be stepping down from the post of churchwarden.  For All Saints’ to fulfil its potential in the community, 2 churchwardens are needed.   Please reflect on who might share this important role with Isabel.  If you’d like to know more, please contact George, Isabel or James or anyone in the congregation.


In Minstead Social Club
Hosted by 5-4-50
All welcome!
Everybody is a Potential Winner!
There will be 8 Races of 8 Horses each.

Buy a horse and name it!   £3.00 per horse

Winning owner will receive £15.00

The Tote will be run by our resident Bookie Dwaine Lewis

50p a bet, as many as you want.

To buy a horse before the night contact Peter Bennett on 07940 838168 or at peter.bennett@ymail.com

The club bar will be open for cheap drinks for all.

See you there!


Everyone is most welcome to attend and there is a real need for current and new members to become involved in a variety of ways to enable this longstanding and innovative group to continue to flourish.
The club bar will be open and the business part of the meeting will be kept as light as possible!
Futher details from – Kay Nicholson  80813180 or k.nicholson21@hotmail.co.uk

 Arthur Phillip – a message from Angela Trend

I’m researching Captain Arthur Phillip who led the First Fleet of convicts to Australia and became the first Governor, establishing the foundations to what became Australia. 2014 is the bicentenary of his death. Arthur Phillip lived for a time at a house called Vernalls in Gosport Lane by Goose Green, Lyndhurst. There is still a nameplate saying Vernalls Farm although the house has long gone.

I’ve found a newspaper article (Daily Echo 1944) about Arthur Philip, his life and Vernalls. It says that Vernalls was a ‘comfortable country house with a rather fine Georgian staircase .. fine paneling.’ This staircase ‘is known to have been reconstructed and used in a charmingly designed house built shortly before in Emery Down.’ The stone entrance was used in the construction of another country house at Minstead.

Please can anyone help? Does anyone live in or know of a house or houses built prewar with a fine staircase or stone doorway?

We cannot find any photos of Verrnalls. Do you know of any? I would be grateful for any information.

If you can help please contact angela.trend@nfcb.me.uk.

Thank you.


To keep up to date with Events and useful Information visit

(and bookmark) the new Minstead Village Community Website on your PC, Tablet or Phone athttp://test.minstead.org.uk