eNewsletter 17th September 2017


Pantomime sign up night 5pm Tuesday 19th September Village Hall

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 23rd September

Minstead Trust AGM 2pm Wednesday 27th September

Starting a School Veg Garden 2pm Tuesday 29th September Study Centre


For further details of these events click on the links above and/or see below.

For future events please visit the Village website.



THIS From a Concerned Resident of The Grove

“We have had a small black cat, green eyes, holed up in our garage for the last few days, seems very nervous (though that may be partly due to the presence of our dog!).  Have not fed it for the last three days in case it has just wandered in and got comfortable but gave way today and it was very hungry.  I wondered if you could circulate this with the parish notices in case anyone is missing a cat? We are at the top end of the Grove.”

Reply to this eNewsletter or telephone 07751 064493 and your details will be passed on.



‘A young female tabby cat was recently found in the Hazel Hill area . She was in very poor condition, injured and had a large abcess on her head. The vet has suggested that she may have been starving for as long as three weeks.
She is currently being treated as an in-patient, funded by the RSPCA. The gentleman and his young daughter who found her would like to keep her when she is fully recovered but want to know that she is not someone’s loved but lost pet. She is not chipped. If you recognise her from the photograph please contact Annette on 07802 533083. Thank you.’




Minstead Oil will be ordering heating oil this Wednesday, 20th September.

You MUST have have placed your order by 9am on that day.

Delivery is expected to be before the end of the month.

Please place your order by e-mail and you will be advised which company has your order, the price and any better information on delivery by e-mail too.



Walk In clinics:

Wednesday 20th September     2pm – 4.30 pm

Wednesday 4th October            2pm – 4.30 pm

Walk In clinics are also available every lunchtime between 12-1 pm from Monday 18th September until Friday 13th October EXCEPT for the 2 main walk-in clinic dates above.



This week’s notices are attached.



The next litter pick will take place on Tuesday 19th September, departing from Andrew’s Mare car park at 10am.  McDonald’s will supply the equipment and we will cover the usual area from the A31 cattlegrid along to the Acres Down crossroads, which should take approximately 90 minutes.

Anybody is welcome to come along and if you have any questions please contact Tessa on 02380 812415.


Local Produce – Since our arrival at the shop, our number one focus has been to put as much local produce onto the shelves as possible. We are very proud that the shop now stocks over 16 New Forest Marque producers. The New Forest Marque is awarded to produce which has been grown, reared, caught, brewed, produced or processed with the New Forest. We adore doing business with the farmers and producers on our doorstep. We’re very proud to have recently been shortlisted for the ‘Best Supporter of Local Produce’ in the CLA and NPA Awards.

One of the biggest challenges has been sourcing the menu from within a 15 mile radius. Dishes now include Hunts Farm Sausage Sandwich (Winsor), Lyburn (Landford) Winchester toasties and New Forest Smokery Trout Pate (Fordingbridge). The menu acts as a showcase for our local producers.

Reminder: Macmillan Coffee Morning – Thursday 28th September, 10am-12pm Join us for our 2nd Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise funds for people facing cancer. This nationwide event is Macmillan’s largest fundraising event, raising over £165.5 million for cancer research and patient care. Come and be part of something special, join local villagers and invite your friends.

Recruitment – We are very pleased to welcome Pippa into our final position in the shop, who will be working every Sunday front of house with Steve.



Murder In Play

Priorswell Manor is the seemingly idyllic setting for a genteel house party. The country seat of the Cholmondleys sees Lady Cholmondley hosting a weekend of convivial conversation and preprandial drinks. But all is not well! Sinister Things are afoot. A dangerous escaped prisoner is on the loose in the neighbourhood, and who knows what the mysterious Mr Papadopoulos has in mind.

As tensions rise blood is spilled and is that a whiff of poison in the air?

Lyndhurst Drama and Musical Society is delighted to present Simon Brett’s comic whodunnit, directed by Debbie Murray. It will keep you guessing to the end while wiping away tears of laughter!

Performances are on 26/7/8 October at 7.45pm in the Vernon Theatre, Lyndhurst. £8 for 26 October and £9 for 27 & 28 October. Tickets can be bought from the Lyndhurst Community Centre from 4 October – for telephone bookings please ring 023 8028 2729.




We are searching for photographs of Father Christmas outside the Village Shop, he was there for a number years and if anyone has a picture we would be most grateful if they would share it with us, the older the better.

It is rumoured that he may be back in Minstead on 23rd December this year!




The following planning applications for Minstead are open for consultation this week:


No:             17/00663

Address:      Minstead Manor, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GA

Proposal:      Roof alterations to facilitate second floor accommodation;

2no.dormers; first floor extension over existing garage; brick piers

and entrance gates; 1.8 metre high railings.


Ends:           Tues 12th September


No:             17/00657

Address:      Grove House, The Grove, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GG

Proposal:      Single Storey Rear Extension


Ends:           Tues 19th September

No:             17/00735

Address:      Malwood Walk Farm, Newtown, Minstead, SO43 7GD

Proposal:      2 rooflights to existing outbuilding to facilitate conversion to home office; 2 rooflights & re-roof existing garage/store to facilitate conversion to home studio; stable block/tack room; sewage treatment plant; demolition of existing workshop.


Ends:           6th October 2017


No:             17/00666

Address:      Hunters Brook, Lyndhurst Rd, Minstead SO43 7FX

Proposal:      Application to vary Condition 10 of planning permission 15/00502 to allow minor amendment


Ends:           17th October 2017



This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (http://test.minstead.org.uk)


If you know of someone who does not receive email but might like to read this please print a copy and pass it to them.

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/


For further details of these events click on the links above.

For future events please visit the Village website.
