Furzey Garden Half-Term Fun, 11am-3pm 23rd-27th October
Halloween Party 5.30pm Saturday 28th October Trusty Servant
Lyndhurst Drama & Music Society 7.45pm 26/27/28 October Vernon Theatre
Halloween at the Social Club from 8pm Saturday 28th October (new)
Daylight Saving Time Ends 2am Sunday 29th October (clocks back 1 hour!)
Halloween Party for Kids 3.30pm Tuesday 31st October Village Shop
Brilliant composting 2pm Saturday 4th November Study Centre
Smartphone camera photography 10am Sunday 5th November Furzey Gardens
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 6th November Danby Room
Autumn Colour Walk Furzey Gardens 11am Tuesday 7th November
Remembrance Day Ceremony 11am Saturday 11th November War Memorial
Remembrance Sunday Service 10.30am Sunday 12th November All Saints Church
Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 14th November Social Club
Murder Mystery Evening 7pm Friday 17th November Minstead Trust
Minstead Players 7.30pm Friday 17th and Saturday 18th November Village Hall
(see below)
For further details of these events click on the links above and/or see below.
For future events please visit the Village website.
Please take extra care driving in the Forest after the clocks go back on 29th October and try to allow a few extra minutes for journeys. In particular November and December are the peak months for animal casualties so please encourage everyone you know to be cautious and vigilant when they get behind the wheel!
Hampshire Police have some useful seasonal advice about Halloween, Bonfire Night and other events which can be read by clicking here.
If you are planning to celebrate Guy Fawkes’ misdemeanours this year please bear in mind that animals and wildlife do not enjoy the whizz bangs as much as you! In particular if your neighbours have horses do please warn them if you are going to have a firework party!
After the clocks go back the darker evenings may see an increase in attempted thefts particularly from outbuildings. Click here for advice on keeping your home and property secure.
This year’s production by Minstead Players will be
“Old Actors Never Die, They Simply Lose the Plot”
A farce in 2 Acts by Lynn Brittney
Minstead Hall Friday 17th and Saturday 18th November 2017 at 7.30pm
Click here to find out more……..!!
Tickets now on sale in the Village Shop.
See All Saints Notices 22nd October 2017.
Some of us have already been advised of two road work schemes along the A31 during November to replace approximately 600 metres of safety barrier along the westbound verge near Ringwood and to resurface a section of the westbound carriageway between the Ocknell and Backley enclosures.
Work is currently scheduled to start on Monday 6 November 2017 and is expected to take four weeks to complete (Monday to Friday only).
See A31 WORKS NOVEMBER 2017 for full details if you need them including traffic management and overnight diversions.
The following planning applications for Minstead are open for consultation this week:
No: 17/00666
Address: Hunters Brook, Lyndhurst Rd, Minstead SO43 7FX
Proposal: Application to vary Condition 10 of planning permission 15/00502
to allow minor amendment (ADDITIONAL PLAN)
Ends: Tuesday 31st October 2017
No: 17/00785
Address: Gardeners Cottage, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, SO43 7HA
Proposal: Application for Certificate of Lawful Development for a proposed
single storey rear extension.
No: 17/00816
Address: The Lodge Malwood, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst,
SO43 7HA
Proposal: Creation of Access; entrance gates and fencing
Ends: Wednesday 1st November
No: 17/00776
Address: Barneys, Football Green, Minstead, Lyndhurst SO43 7FR
Proposal: Single storey and two storey rear extension; alterations to
Ends: Wednesday 8th November 2017
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