eNewsletter 28th August 2016


Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show Saturday 3rd September Village Hall (see below)

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Monday 5th September Danby meeting room

Beat Surgery 4-5pm Monday 12th September Village Green

Local History Group 8pm Tuesday 13th September Social Club

WOW 8pm Wednesday 14th September Green Room

Open Day/Apple Day 12.30-4.30pm Saturday 17th September Study Centre

Minstead Makers 6pm Thursday 29th September Furzey Tearooms

For further details of these events click on the links above.

For future events please visit the Village website.



Following a number of complaints over this and previous weekends it is timely for us to remind you of the process to be followed in the event of noise or other nuisance.

In the first instance we suggest contacting the perpetrator to try to decrease the nuisance.

If this is not successful a report should be made to the POLICE by telephoning 101, and then a further report made (during office hours) to NFDC Environmental Health (Environmental Protection Section) on 023 8028 5411.

Further details may be found at http://www.newforest.gov.uk/article/4228/Noise


Should you come across an obstruction of a Highway (say fallen tree, abandoned vehicle, fly-tipping etc) here are the ways for you to report it effectively:-

  1. If it is immediately critically dangerous telephone the POLICE on 999,
  2. If it is potentially seriously hazardous report it to the POLICE on 101,
  3. Otherwise, report it via the Hampshire Highways website, or (possibly more effectively)
  4. Report it via the “NEW FOREST IN TOUCH App” which you may install on your smartphone &/or tablet.


Only a few days to go!

Good luck to everyone who takes part!

All entries must be submitted to the Hon Secretary, Mrs Janet Mitchell, no later than Wednesday 31st August.

All 2015 cup holders are asked to return cups also to the Hon Secretary by 31st August.


See All Saints Notices 28th August 2016 for services and events and click here for information about All Saints.


Blackwater Road, Emery Down between its junction with Peartree Lane and its junction with Pikes Hill will be closed in September for work on a manhole cover.

See blackwater road 2016 for map.

It is expected that the closures will be required for no longer than between 2000hrs Tuesday 20th September and 0200hrs Wednesday 21st September 2016).


About now every household in NFDC will receive a Household Enquiry Form.  If there are no changes to made on the form the householder can confirm this by going on-line, texting, telephoning or by signing and posting back their form.  If there are changes to be made they may make these changes on-line or return the form back to NFDC, instructions are printed on the forms.  The form is an “enquiry” form to gather information of those registered at the property, it is not a registration form therefore does not add names to the register.  Once NFDC is informed of changes to the household and where there are additions, they will contact any new persons and invite them to register and supply their national insurance number and date of birth. The easiest and quickest way is to go on-line at www.newforest.gov.uk/register-to-vote

 or pass details over the phone or supply them with a paper copy to complete.

Visit the NFDC website for further information http://www.newforest.gov.uk/annualcanvass.


The are no changes to the collection time or day this bank holiday weekend.

Please put your bags out as usual.


All Saint’s Churchyard Memorials

This particular project is recording and mapping the memorials in All Saint’s, Minstead. We are going to need your help with collating information.

James Brown, the NPA archaeologist who is running the “Our Past, Our Future” project, has fixed a date of 24th September to have a day at All Saint’s to encourage people to have a look at the available data and see if they would like to become involved in helping All Saint’s gather the information needed.

James will be bringing along some very interesting displays and lots of information about how to help collate information for the Minstead churchyard memorials. There will also be NPA volunteers who will help to show us how to record memorials types, sizes, designs and condition both online or on paper. A photographer will be showing us how to take images of the memorials using a light source to enhance any written/drawn details on the stones.

Please do look out for further details about the day at Minstead Church on 24th September.

Berry Stone 023 8081 3719


The following planning applications for Minstead are out for consultation:

Number:      16/00653

Address:      Fishpond Piece, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GA

Proposal:      Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for Existing

use of dwelling in breach of Condition 1 (Agricultural Occupancy) of

planning permission NFDC/91/48438


Ends:           31st August

Number:      16/00662

Address:      Skymers, Stoney Cross Plain Rd, Newtown, Minstead,

Lyndhurst SO43 7GF

Proposal:      Single storey side, front and rear extension; two storey side

extension; outbuilding; porch; entrance gate.


ends:           13th September

Further information can be obtained by visiting http://publicaccess.newforestnpa.gov.uk/online-applications/ or directly from NPA Offices at Lymington Town Hall.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council


If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/