eNewsletter 5th November 2017


Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 6th November Danby Room

Autumn Colour Walk Furzey Gardens 11am Tuesday 7th November

Armistice Day Ceremony 10.45am Sat 11th November Village War Memorial

Remembrance Sunday Service 10.50am Sunday 12th November All Saints Church

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 14th November Social Club

Murder Mystery Evening 7pm Friday 17th November Minstead Trust

Minstead Players 7.30pm Friday 17th and Saturday 18th November Village Hall

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 18th November Village Shop

Village Lunch 12.30pm Tuesday 21st November Trusty Servant

Christmas Lunch at Minstead Lodge Thurs 23rd Nov-14th Dec

Traditional Breadmaking 10am Saturday 25th Nov Study Centre

Cinderella 2.30 and 7.30pm Saturday 25th November Copythorne Village Hall

For further details of these events click on the links above and/or see below.

For future events please visit the Village website.



See Beat Report October 2017 for our area, Northern New Forest Heart.  It contains information about local crime incidents and useful advice about Home Security which is well worth reading.

Everyone is encouraged to sign up to Hampshire Alert if you have not already done so.  This is a free service offered by the Police which means that members can be sent relevant local alerts by text or email. These updates include incidents such as major road closures and warnings about the latest crime trends. It also allows members to reply to alerts, meaning that it is an easy way to share information or opinions with the police. It only takes a minute to sign up and you can get your family and friends to do so by following this link https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/.

The next Beat Surgery when you can meet our local Police will be at the Village Shop from 10am on Saturday 18th November.

With regard to the two road work schemes starting on Monday (see A31 WORKS NOVEMBER 2017) the timings of the A31 closures starting have been changed.

 As there will be multiple teams working within the closure (resurfacing work, safety barrier replacement, asset surveys, litter picking), the team will be using a valid Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which will allow the road to be closed from 9pm instead of 10pm.  This will allow a longer working window.  The times for the closures are currently displayed on black-on-yellow signs alongside the A31. If you have any questions, or if you’d like you know about our work please contact us on 0300 123 5000 or email info@highwaysengland.co.uk


Please place your order for oil by email to minsteadoil@gmail.com by 9am on Wednesday 15th November. Mike will advise you of the company, price and delivery by e-mail when he has placed the order. Standard expected delivery is about 10 working days but this may vary with each company.

December orders must be placed by 9am on Wednesday 6th December and January orders by 10th January 2018.


See All Saints Notices 5th November 2017 for this week.

An Armistice Day commemorative ceremony will be held at the War Memorial at 10.45am on Saturday 11th November.

This year’s Remembrance Service in the Church will start at 10.50am on Sunday November 12th and will be followed by a wreath laying at the War Memorial on the Village Green.

Thanks are due to a member of the public who cleared the surface of the footpath of an accumulation of leaves. This will help keep the path in good condition. (The surface was renewed in 2015 by Hampshire County Council.)


Tuesday 7 November 2017
The Archaeology of the Beaulieu area of the New Forest
by Frank Green, Chief Archaeologist, New Forest National Park Authority
Ranging from long past prehistoric periods through to the Cold War in the 1960s this talk on Beaulieu archaeology will also look at the structures and sites which the New Forest National Park is recording and conserving.

7.30pm in Emery Down and Bank Village Hall.  Entry: £3 on the door.  Refreshments available.


The following planning applications for Minstead are open for consultation this week:

No:              17/00776

Address:      Barneys, Football Green, Minstead, Lyndhurst SO43 7FR

Proposal:    Single storey and two storey rear extension; alterations to Elevations


Ends:           Wednesday 8th November 2017

No:             17/00791

Address:      Old Off Licence, Newtown Road, Newtown, Minstead, Lyndhurst,

SO43 7GD

Proposal:      Single storey extension to existing outbuilding; flue; relocation of

existing oil tank


Ends:           Wednesday 22nd November 2017

No :               17/00843

Address:      Fleetwater Farm, Newtown Road, Newtown, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GD

Proposal:      Retention and completion of extension to an existing outbuilding


Ends:           Tuesday 21st November 2017

No:                17/00848

Address:      Minstead House, School Lane, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GL

Proposal:    Replacement outbuilding


Ends:           Wednesday 22nd November 2017

No:              17/00938

Address:      Malwood Walk Farm, Newtown Road, Newtown, Minstead,

Lyndhurst, SO43 7GD

Proposal:      2no. rooflights to existing outbuilding to facilitate conversion to home office;                              2no. rooflights and re-roof existing garage/store to facilitate conversion to                                    home studio; stable block/tack room; sewage treatment plant; demolition of                              existing workshop  (Application for Non-Material amendment to planning                                    permission 17/00735)


Ends:           n/a

No:              17/00915

Address:      Park Farm Cottage, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst,  SO43 7FY

Proposal:      Single storey rear extension


Ends:           Thursday 7th December 2017


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (http://test.minstead.org.uk)


If you know of someone who does not receive email but might like to read this please print a copy and pass it to them.


If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/
