eNewsletter 18th June 2017


Beneath the Trees Furzey Gardens Sunday 11th June – Friday 23rd June

Wine, cheese and trees Furzey Gardens Friday 23rd June 6.30-8.30pm

St Albans Chamber Choir All Saints Church Saturday 24th June 12noon-1pm

Study Centre Open Day Saturday 24th June 12.30-4.30pm

Junior Minstead Summer Dance Saturday 1st July 7.30pm-11pm Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting Monday 3rd July 7.30pm Danby Room

Minstead Trust Summer Fete Saturday 8th July 12.30-4.30pm at the Lodge

Minstead History Group Social Club Tuesday 11th July 8pm

Women on Wednesdays Green Room Wednesday 12th July 8pm

CPR and Defibrillator Training Green Room Thursday 13th July 11am-12.30pm

Blood Brothers Lyndhurst Drama Society 20, 21 and 22 July Vernon Theatre

For further details of these events click on the links above and/or see below.

For future events please visit the Village website.



Parish Notices will follow but see Benefice Notices 18th June 2017.  Visit the New Forest Parishes website for wider information about the Benefice.


Disco Boogie Night – Ticketed Event

7pm to  11pm in the Hall  – Everyone welcome!

Tickets now on sale available from Village shop, Acres Down Farm Shop and Minstead Social  Club.

Come show off your funky moves to the sounds of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90’s

Tattooed skullery providing food BBQ pulled pork special and their usual menu.

Bar and Raffles.

Tickets: Adults £6.50 & Child £4.50


The Hall actually pays for the hall rubbish to be taken away, which is 15 bags a week in green sacks plus its entitlement of 6 bags in black sacks. Recently the hall rubbish area next to the bus stage has been used by others as a rubbish dump, including recycle bags even a duvet! While of course this may not be village people all are reminded that all residents are entitled to put bags out for the weekly collection, that this area is for hall rubbish only and that there is the also the NFDC recycling facility at the back of the hall for bottles and recyclable waste.

Thanks to all for supporting the Hall!


The following planning applications for Minstead are open for consultation this week:

No:              17/00385

Address:      Bay Tree Cottage, Lyndhurst Rd, Minstead SO43 7FX

Proposal:      Stable block, extension of driveway (Amended Plans)


Ends:           Wednesday 28th June

No:              17/00411

Address:      Chalford Manor, Stoney Cross Plain Road, Stoney Cross

Lyndhurst SO43 7GP

Proposal:      2no. single storey side extensions; glazed links; external alterations

including solar panels; render.


Ends:           Tuesday 27th June

No:              17/00469

Address:      Fleetwater Farm, Newtown Road, Newtown, Minstead, Lyndhurst,

SO43 7GD

Proposal:      Conservatory


Ends:           Monday 10th July


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (http://test.minstead.org.uk)


If you know of someone who does not receive email but might like to read this please print a copy and pass it to them.

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/


For further details of these events click on the links above.

For future events please visit the Village website.
