Minstead Makers Thursday 24th September 6-7.30pm Furzey Tea Rooms
Harvest Festival Sunday 4th October 9.30am All Saints Church
Parish Council Meeting Monday 5th October 7.30pm Old Surgery
The next Minstead Oil order will go in on Wednesday 16th of September for all orders placed by 9.00am on that day. Orders ( will be accepted as firm unless specific instructions are placed with your order. (Mike Hutton has had and recorded 2 orders so far for September)
Future dates will be every 4 weeks until the December date of 2nd December so as to ensure delivery before Christmas.
Our next production is Raymond Hopkins The Love Nest, a farcical comedy in two acts. There will be two performances in the Hall at 7.30pm on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November.
Visit Minstead Players for a synopsis and for further information.
The Players are looking for some 1960s clothes for both men and women for this production.
If you can help please contact Eileen Porter at
Following recent queries the following advice comes from NFDC.
You can use any plastic bag to pick up your dog’s waste and if you can’t find a dog waste bin it’s all right to put it in one of the litter bins. Dog waste from your garden can be double-bagged and placed in your black refuse sack.
It is important for all dog owners to take responsibility for cleaning up after their animal as not only is it unpleasant to look at and even more unpleasant to step in, it can pose a health risk. For example, Toxocariasis is a rare infection caused by roundworms in the digestive tracts of dogs. It can cause headaches, eye problems and fever in humans if they come into contact with it.
If you spot a dog fouling problem, you can report it to Customer Services on 023 8028 5000 or report it online.
Please clear up after your dog to keep the New Forest a pleasant place for everybody and encourage others to do likewise.
New Forest District Council can fine those who fail to pick up after their dog £50 so please ensure you have bags or poop scoops with you every time you walk your dog.
For the week’s Notices, details of Services and other events see the Benefice website. Follow All Saints’ activities on Facebook and/or sign up for Church Notices.
There will be a Silent Auction of Kate Charman’s pen and ink drawing of All Saints’ Church from Aug 15th to Oct 2nd 2015. See Silent auction poster2.
Like to bid for the picture? There are forms available in the church porch. Once you’ve completed one, please:
- bring it to church or
- give it to one of the churchwardens.
Bids will be accepted until 9pm on Friday October 2nd.
The draw will take place on Sunday October 4th, during the Church’s 9.30am celebration of Harvest Festival. If yours proves to be the highest bid, we will be in touch.
The following planning applications for Minstead are open for consultation.
Visit for further information.
Application No: 15/00490
Location: Ivy Cottage, Lyndhurst Rd, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FX
Proposal: Chimney Alterations
Application No: 15/00641& 2
Location: Yew Tree Cottage, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FX
Proposal: Single storey extension; extension to garage to create car
port; replacement shed; internal and external alterations
(+ Application for Listed Building Consent)
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