Minstead Makers 6pm Thursday 28th July Furzey Tea Rooms
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Wednesday 1st August The Old Surgery (now refurbished)
Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 9th August Social Club
WOW Wednesday 10th August
Village Fete Saturday 13th August Village Green (see below)
Beer Festival 12/13/14th August Trusty Servant
Beat Surgery 4pm Monday 15th August Village Green
Minstead Makers 6pm Thursday 25th August Furzey Tearooms
Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show Saturday 3rd September Village Hall
For further details of these events click on the links above.
For future events please visit the Village website.
As most will know we say farewell to Jan and Nick Parker at the end of the month. Jan and her team of helpers have run the Shop and Tearoom for the last few years with a unique combination of friendliness and professionalism while Nick has been a great support behind the scenes. Come rain or shine, they have provided the Minstead community with an outstanding, welcoming and reliable service; and the fact that their tables and chairs are almost always occupied by happy and contented customers is a testament to the Shop’s growing popularity throughout the New Forest. Jan and Nick will be greatly missed by all and we wish them all good fortune for the future.
The new owners, Heidi and Andy Simpson, are looking forward to taking over and are busy learning the ropes. We shall hear more from them soon but they have asked us to inform everyone that they have taken the difficult decision to
close the shop from Monday 1st to Wednesday 3rd August to give them and their two small children time to settle in.
Newspapers will be cancelled for those three days so it may be wise to retrieve your coupons this week.
The Shop will re-open at 8.30am on Thursday 4th August.
As previously announced, this year’s Village Fete will be held on the Green from 12 noon to 5pm on Saturday 13th August.
There will be a great range of stalls and lots of fun for all the family.
Scrumptious teas and a rest area will be available.
The summer beer and cider festival will also be held that weekend in the Trusty.
All proceeds will go to the Minstead Defibrillator Fund and the Church.
Any assistance setting up stalls, helping during the day and dismantling will be most welcome! In particular we are looking for a willing volunteer to run the tombola stall. Please let Steve Cattell know what you are able to do at, tel 8081 3574.
If you have any books for the book stall please give these Steve (2 Congleton Close).
All contributions for the tombola should be dropped off with Alan Ferguson at Hurdles (if out please leave in blue box in garage!).
WoW (Women on Wednesday at Minstead)
August’s meeting on Weds 10th is for members only and will take the form of an early evening walk on Canada Common (optional), followed by a pub supper at the Rockingham Arms, Wellow (from 8pm).
Details of the rendezvous time and location for those ladies who want to walk plus more information about the meal will be sent to members shortly.
See All Saints Notices 24th July 2016 for services and events.
Church Locking
Please note that there is now a specific time for locking the church: 5.30pm in the summer and 4pm in the winter. Those using the church in the evenings are asked to ensure they have access to keys.
The following planning applications for Minstead are out for consultation:
Number 16/00452
Address Peartree Cottage, Peartree Lane, Emery Down SO43 7FH
Proposal: One and two storey extensions; chimney; alterations to garage; new
access (close up existing)
Expires: Thursday 28th July
Number: 16/00453
Address: Peartree Cottage, Peartree Lane, Emery Down SO43 7FH
Proposal: One and two storey extensions; chimney; alterations to garage
(Application for Listed Building Consent)
Expires: Thursday 28th July
Number: 16/00550
Address: South Lodge, Football Green, SO43 7FR
Proposal: Single Storey extension
Expires: Wednesday 17th August
Further information can be obtained by visiting or directly from NPA Offices at Lymington Town Hall.
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If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them
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