eNewsletter 24th May 2015


Tuesday 26th May 2015 Village Hall Management Committee Annual General Meeting 8pm.

Thursday 28th May Minstead Makers 6pm Furzey Gardens Tea Rooms

Monday 1st June Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Old Surgery

Tuesday 9th June History Group 8pm Social Club

Saturday 20th June Minstead Training Trust Fete from 12.30pm


A further reminder that we have recently been informed that Hampshire County Council’s Highways West Office (contact is Rob Millarrob.millar@hants.gov.uk Tel: 0300 555 1388) has requested a temporary road closure to Back Lane from the Village Green to the bottom of Bull Lane, from this Wednesday 24thJune, for a likely maximum duration of 3 days, in order to carry out carriageway repair works.


Hampshire County Council plans to carry out essential maintenance works to this Bridleway in the near future, including surfacing and drainage repairs. The works have been highlighted as necessary during consultation with the Parish Council, user groups and landowners. The schedule of works is estimated to last 2 to 4 weeks and be completed before the end of September. The length of the route to be improved will be subject to a temporary closure between these dates. Vehicles, including deliveries, and plant machinery may be observed driving along the Bridleway for the duration of the works. HCC will shortly be writing to local residents with details and proposes to be on site during the evening of Thursday 4th June to answer any queries and to obtain feedback. If this is of interest, please contact them at accessteamsouth@hants.gov.uk or 02380 605110.


Some may have seen the recent BBC South Today report that there is potentially an increase in the number of cases of Lymes Disease in the UK and that the New Forest is one of the regions where there is a particularly high population of ticks.

The NHS website contains useful information for those who enjoy walking or riding or picnicking in the Forest about the signs and symptoms of the disease, how you might catch it, when to see your GP, treatment and prevention etc.


See http://www3.hants.gov.uk/transport  for up to date information on Highway Traffic and Transport including reporting and contact details. New numbers for some of the key services that you may be interested in are:
• Hampshire County Council General Enquiries & Switchboard: 0300 555 1375
• Roads and Transport: 0300 555 1388
• Concessionary Travel (including Blue Badge): 0300 555 1376
• Concessionary Travel Minicom (including Blue Badge): 0300 555 1390


Minstead Makers will meet this Thursday 28th May at Furzey tea rooms from 6 – 7.30 to exchange ideas and to make a variety of items.

All welcome!

Contact elizrandall@btinternet.com for further information.


From 12.30pm

Another great time to be had with music by the Michelmersh Silver Band, afternoon tea, stalls, games and more!

Come and enjoy a great afternoon out in wonderful grounds.

The Trust is always in need of some willing volunteers to help at our event so if you would like to lend a hand at this year’s Fete please ring 023 8081 2297.


As previously advised, the Trusty has now re-opened with a new look, a new menu and a new chef!!

It will also have 5 brand new letting rooms available from Mid June!

Visit the Trusty website for further information and follow all the action at the Trusty on Facebook.


For the week’s Notices, details of Services and other events see the Benefice website. Follow All Saints’ activities on Facebook and/or

sign up for Church Notices


If you are not already aware, Hampshire Constabulary has dedicated Country Watch Teams across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.  The main aims of Country Watch are to reduce rural crime, reassure rural residents and improve communication and engagement. It is designed to bring together several different aspects of rural policing, including Horse Watch, Farm Watch, hunt liaison, wildlife crime and equine liaison in a co-ordinated and consistent fashion.  The team also attends various country events and is, for example, at the Highclere Game Fare this weekend, joined by Firearms Enquiry Officers on the British Association of Shooting and Conservation stand available for general enquiries as well as firearms licensing related issues.

For further information visit http://www.hampshirecountrywatch.co.uk/ where you can sign up for the Western Area Country Watch regular newsletter which covers the New Forest and/or sign up for Hampshire Alert (see below).


Sylvia would like to thank those people who have kindly given information on the black/white cat who was found dead a few weeks ago; this was not Hugo she is pleased to say.  Hugo has appeared for food a few times and therefore we must assume that he is happy wherever he goes when he is not ‘at home’!!  Thank you for all your interest and if you do know his whereabouts it would be nice to know that he is keeping well.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council


If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/