Beat Surgery 9.30am Wed 2nd March Village Shop
PCC meeting 8pm Wed 2nd March All Saints Church
Clean for the Queen 10am Sat 5th March Village Green
Mothering Sunday Service 9.30am Sun 6th March All Saints Church
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Mon 7th March Old Surgery
History Group 8pm Tues 8th March Social Club
WOW 8pm Wed 9th March Green Room
Church Spring Cleaning 10am Sat 12th March All Saints
Sing for Spring 2pm Sat 12th March Study Centre
Village Lunch 12.30pm Tues 15th March Trusty Servant
Minstead Players Play Reading 8pm Tues 15th March Hill Close
Annual Parish Assembly 7.30pm Wed 16th March Village Hall
Junior Minstead Pantomime 7.30pm Fri 18th March & 7pm Sat 19th March
Sewing workshop 10am Sat 19th March Study Centre
Good Friday devotional hour 2pm Fri 25th March All Saints
Hedge laying workshop 10am Sat 26th March Study Centre
Easter Day Sunday 27th March:
- Clocks forward one hour 1am
- Easter Holy Communion 10.30am All Saints
See below or the Village website for further details of these and future events.
The funeral service for Jean Elkins will be held this Thursday 3rd March at 11am in Minstead Church.
The local Neighbourhood policing team will be at the Village Shop between 9.30am and 10.30am to discuss any issues of concern.
There is room for a couple more volunteers to support the Village litter blitz on or around Saturday 5 March 2016.
10.00 at the Village Shop or at a time of your choosing
Please contact Polly Osborne (023 8081 2375 or who is coordinating this campaign if you can help.
Litter pickers and sacks will be provided but do bring gloves and hi-viz jacket.
For further information on the nationwide campaign visit
the Clean for the Queen website.
WOW (Women on Wednesday at Minstead)
Wednesday 9th March at 8pm, Green Room, Minstead Village Hall
“LIFE AS A CHOREOGRAPHER” with Guest Speaker Kate Prince
Lady visitors welcome. New visitors may attend 2 meetings before committing to joining.
Please ring Sylvia on 07831 142245 if a lift to your first meeting would help!
How We Used To Live Tuesday 1 March 2016 at 7.30pm
Bank and Emery Down Village Hall
Victorian Lymington – What did the Victorians do for us? by Angela Trend. Discover what the Victorians did for this quiet waterside town once dependent on the sea, salt and smuggling. There is only one obvious Victorian building in the High Street where forest ponies, pigs and cattle roamed freely among the market stalls. Sheep and cows were driven down the High Street bound for Mr Topps slaughter house or the Isle of Wight ferry. Fairs were held twice a year in the High Street and the circus elephants paraded through the town. Why were several new churches and schools built? What was the Blind House?
Angela, a founder member of How We Used To Live, is a well-known local historian and has recently completed an exhaustive year researching for an exhibition and numerous talks on the life of Arthur Phillip. She is currently
preparing an exhibition for families on Alice and the Alice books; she continues her role as a Lymington guide.
Entry £3 on the door; refreshments available.
See All Saints Notices 28th Feb 2016 for the week’s Notices, details of Services and other events.
Please offer to help if you can with Church spring cleaning at 10am on Saturday 12th March – many hands make light work!
Follow All Saints activities on Facebook.
The following planning application for Minstead is out for consultation:
No: 16/00153
Location: Communications site at Castle Malwood Depot, Lyndhurst Road,
Minstead, Hampshire
Proposal: Determination as to whether Prior Approval is required for the
siting and appearance of 3no. antennas and 2no. Dishes
Period ends: Tues 29th March 2016
Further information can be obtained by visiting or directly from NPA Offices at Lymington Town Hall.
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