eNewsletter 6th March 2016


Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Mon 7th March Old Surgery

History Group 8pm Tues 8th March Social Club

WOW 8pm Wed 9th March Green Room

Church Spring Cleaning 10am Sat 12th March All Saints

Sing for Spring 2pm Sat 12th March Study Centre

Village Lunch 12.30pm Tues 15th March Trusty Servant

Minstead Players Play Reading 8pm Tues 15th March Hill Close

Annual Parish Assembly 7.30pm Wed 16th March Village Hall

Junior Minstead Pantomime 7.30pm Fri 18th March & 7pm Sat 19th March

Sewing workshop 10am Sat 19th March Study Centre

Good Friday devotional hour 2pm Fri 25th March All Saints

Hedge laying workshop 10am Sat 26th March Study Centre

Easter Day Sunday 27th March:

  • Clocks forward one hour 1am
  • Easter Holy Communion 10.30am All Saints


See below or the Village website for further details of these and future events.


Clean for the Queen

Many thanks to all who turned out to collect litter on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Despite the poor state of our road edges they are at least completely clear of the amazing range of detritus dropped by goodness knows who!

Long may this last!


 Some of the Minstead litter pickers and some of their booty!

Finally, thanks to all those who regularly go out to clear litter around the Parish throughout the year which helps to keep on top of the problem.


8pm Tues 8th March in the Social Club.

Mr G Lewis will give a talk entitled

Seven Miles from any Town

about a village on Salisbury Plain occupied by the military.

All welcome!

 WOW (Women on Wednesday at Minstead)

Wednesday 9th March at 8pm, Green Room, Minstead Village Hall

“LIFE AS A CHOREOGRAPHER” with Guest Speaker Kate Prince

Lady visitors welcome.  New visitors may attend 2 meetings before committing to joining.

Please ring Sylvia on 07831 142245 if a lift to your first meeting would help!

 Minstead Players, Play Reading, Tuesday 15th of March 2016 8pm

At Hill Close, Minstead SO43 7FX
We are looking for plays to perform in November 2016 so join us for drinks, nibbles and a good laugh whilst we read potential plays. If you have a play that we may want to perform or just read for fun please send a copy to Helen Bennett at Helen.bennett@ yahoo.com by Friday 11th of March so we can ensure there are enough copies are available on the night.

 Annual Parish Assembly Wed 16th March

Everyone is invited to attend the Parish Annual Assembly in the Village Hall (Green Room) at 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th March. This is an opportunity to hear about the work of your Parish Council over the last 12 months and also to get an update from our District and County Councillors.  There will be an opportunity to discuss what you want from your Parish Council and what it can actually do!

Please join us for Bread & Cheese after the meeting. The Bar will be open.

Visit the Parish Council website to read the draft minutes of last year’s Assembly and click here to see the full Agenda for this year.

Junior Minstead Pantomime

 Friday 18th March 2016 at 7:30 PM

Saturday 19th March 2016 at 7.00 PM

Constellation Wars – The Battle for Christmas!

Episode MMXVI

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away………

 See whether the sleepy village of Minstead can be saved from the impending doom being brought upon them from the Dark and Evil Lord Vada!

Will the Rabble Alliance, lead by their leader Luke Skystroller, be able to overpower Daft Vada before he sets out to destroy Christmas, turning Santa and Co to the Dark Side…..

Conquer Minstead………………..and even Planet Earth??

Will Lord Vada become the Supreme Ruler of the Universe


Will the Rabble Alliance save the day??

Tickets £6.50 each (no concessions) available from

Minstead Village Shop & Acres Down Farm Shop


See All Saints Notices 6th March 2016 for the week’s Notices, details of Services and other events.

 Please offer to help if you can with Church spring cleaning at 10am on Saturday 12th March – many hands make light work!

Follow All Saints activities on Facebook.


NFDC (ICT) has recently seen a sudden increase in the number of malicious emails and would like to remind everyone to be extra vigilant when dealing with emails. You may have seen the recent news stories about ransomware attacks. This is where a third party introduces a piece of software to a machine, (which can then spread to a network), that encrypts the data contained on the machine. Payment is then demanded to provide a decryption key to unencrypt the machine, without which, the data is unusable.  The easiest way for a file like this to be introduced to a machine is either directly attached to an email, from a link contained in an email, or from a file downloaded from a compromised website. NFDC  has seen an increase in emails received with subjects relating to “Invoice” and “Important Message” which have malicious files attached and/or links in the email.  Please be aware of what you are clicking on before you open anything.
In addition to this, NFDC is seeing a lot of hijacked and spoofed email accounts sending emails in to us.  This means that just because an email looks like it is from somebody you know, it may not have been them who sent it, but instead somebody using methods to make it appear that way.
In summary, please can you ensure that you:
·         Do not download files from untrusted locations on the internet
·         Do not open attachments on emails unless you believe it actually originated from the sender or are expecting the attachment
·         Do not respond to any emails which claim to be from NFDC ICT and are requesting usernames or passwords.  ICT will never ask for this information by email.
If in doubt, please contact NFDC ICT Security or the ICT Service Desk.

Warning over scam to Careline customers
New Forest District Council is warning its Appletree Careline community alarm customers to be aware of a scam where a caller falsely claims the alarm service is being taken over before asking for bank details.
Two Appletree Careline customers have contacted the Council after being approached by a company claiming to be taking over Appletree Careline.
NFDC is working with Trading Standards and is advising customers that this takeover claim is not the case and not to give any bank details or part with any money.
Anyone who is concerned can contact Trading Standards on 01962 833620 / tsadvice@hants.gov.uk<mailto:tsadvice@hants.gov.uk>.

 HCC PC Newsletter Feb 2016

See HCC PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER FEB 2016 for the February edition of the Hampshire County Council Parish Council newsletter


The following planning application for Minstead is out for consultation:

No:              16/00153

Location:      Communications site at Castle Malwood Depot, Lyndhurst Road,

Minstead, Hampshire

Proposal:      Determination as to whether Prior Approval is required for the

siting and appearance of 3no. antennas and 2no. Dishes


Period ends: Tues 29th March 2016

Further information can be obtained by visiting http://publicaccess.newforestnpa.gov.uk/online-applications/ or directly from NPA Offices at Lymington Town Hall.


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council


If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/


To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


For past copies of eNewsletters visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/enewsletter/