eNewsletter 8th November 2015


History Group Tuesday 10th November 8pm Social Club

Service of Remembrance Wednesday 11th November 10.45am War Memorial

Beat Surgery 11th November 9.30am Village Shop

WOW 11th November 8pm Green Room

Minstead Players “The Love Nest” 7.30pm 20th and 21st November Village Hall



Meet in the Social Club at 8pm Tuesday 10th November

This month there will be a talk by Mr Steve Cattell “Long Beech, from Wartime Base to Housing Estate”.

All welcome!


A further reminder that there will be a Service of Remembrance arranged by the Lyndhurst and District branch of the Royal British Legion at 10.45am on Remembrance Day this Wednesday 11th November by the War Memorial on the Village Green.


The next Beat Surgery will be at the Village Shop this Wednesday 11th November from 9.30 to 10.30am.

Do come along to meet our local police and discuss any issues of concern that you may have.

         WOW (Women on Wednesday at Minstead)
Wednesday, 11th November at 8 pm
Green Room, Minstead Village Hall

“CANTERING THROUGH A FUNNY LIFE – From Betjeman to Bardot”

with Historian, Enthusiast and Entertainer – Susan Howe
(“A MUSICAL EVENING” cancelled for now)
Lady visitors welcome.


Please ensure you Oil order for November is placed with Minstead Oil by 9am Wednesday 11th November.  All orders will be accepted as firm unless you say otherwise when placing your order.  Orders can be for a specific quantity or an estimated quantity and a request to fill the tank.

The next order date for 2015 will be Wednesday 2nd December.

Order dates for next year will be listed to you when Mike has found his next year’s diary!


Minstead Players’ next production will be Raymond Hopkins “The Love Nest”, a farcical comedy in two acts.

Curtain up at 7.30pm on 20th and 21st November in the Hall.

Tickets £8.00 for adults and £5.00 for under 12 will be available from the Shop from Wednesday 4th November or on the door. There will be a raffle and all proceeds will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.


For the week’s Notices, details of Services and other events see the Benefice website. Follow All Saints’ activities on Facebook and/or

sign up for Church Notices.


Many thanks to all those who have volunteered for resuscitation training including the use of a defibrillator.  We have arranged for Ian Jones,
Paramedic / Community Responder Liaison & Training Officer for the
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, to deliver this training.  There will be two sessions, either at 4pm or 7pm in the Green Room on Wednesday 27th January 2016.  Please let us know at minsteadpc@googlemail.com which session you would prefer to attend and put the date in your diary!

There is still room for further volunteers and if necessary a further training session can be arranged for any who cannot attend the above sessions.


From 4th January 2016 Bournemouth Water will be undertaking work to several existing water mains that are in poor condition in the Minstead area. Hence all the blue marks on some of our roads!

The extent of the proposed works will be from the junction of Lyndhurst Road and Seaman’s Lane down to Upcerne in Lyndhurst Road; also from the junction of Lyndhurst Road down Newtown Road to adjacent to Minstead Study Centre. They also plan to replace a small section of pipe in Congleton Close.

See attached email, map and guidelines for further information


Many thanks to those who made suggestions regarding possible uses for the Newtown Telephone Box which the Parish Council discussed at its recent meeting on 2nd November.

It is proposed that the box be renamed

The Minstead Time Machine

 and that it is used by our various Village organisations for displays with themes about themselves, the past, the present and perhaps even the future!

Each display would last for approximately 3 months and we are looking for ideas so we can put together a programme starting at a sensible time next year.

All proposals should be sent to minsteadpc@googlemail.com.


The Valuation Office Agency is warning Council Tax payers about individuals and companies that may be operating in the New Forest Area.  They may telephone you or appear personally at your door and try and persuade you that you are in the wrong Council Tax band and use various tactics to get you to part with your money.  NFDC has been told about customers who have recently been contacted by companies calling themselves Council Tax Claims Ltd and Council Tax Review Service. The following link tells you more about what can happen, how you can avoid falling a victim and things you really should not do:


If in doubt contact the NFDC Council Tax office in working hours on 01590 646111 or the Valuation Office Agency on 03000 501501


It has been suggested that it might be appropriate to place a short announcement in our quarterly Minstead Mail about any Village resident who has passed away in the previous 3-6 months.  Obviously this would be a matter for the next of kin but if anyone would like this please contact minsteadpc@googlemail.com with the details.


Please note that Minstead Makers are having a break until further notice in the New Year.


The following planning application for Minstead is open for consultation.

Visit http://www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/viewplanningapplications for further information.

Application No:      15/00774

Location:                Little Thatch, Lyndhurst Rd, Minstead SO43 7FX

Proposal:                One and two storey extensions


Expiry date:           16th November 2015


Application No:      15/00732

Location:                Castle Malwood Lodge, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, SO43 7HB

Proposal:                Retention of lamp post and addition of lantern


Expiry date  :         24th November 2015


This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council


If you know of someone who does not receive email but would like to read it please make a copy and pass it to them

If you no longer to wish to receive these eNewsletters please let us know.


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To keep up to date with events visit http://test.minstead.org.uk/news/events/


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