Parish Council 7.30pm Monday 2nd September Danby Room
Merchant Navy Day Tuesday 3rd September – the Red Ensign will fly from 9am!
Furzey Free Guided Walk 11am Tuesday 3rd September
Furzey Toddle 11am Thursday 5th September
Jacobean Crewelwork Stitches 10am Friday 6th September Study Centre
Annual Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show from 2pm Saturday 7th September
Old Herbaceous 5pm Saturday 5th September Furzey Gardens
Stained Glass Workshops 9.30am and 1.30pm Mon 9th September Study Centre
WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Weds 11th September Village Hall
Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thurs 19th September All Saints Church
Visit by Wellbeing Bus Project 1pm-4pm Friday 20th September Village Green
Needle Felting Workshops 9.30am and 1.30pm Sat 21st September Study Centre
Harvest Festival Service Sunday 29th September All Saints Church
Introduction to Floristry 2pm Sunday 29th September Study Centre
Click on the links above to find out more!
Information about events in October and later in the year can be seen by visiting
Please let us know at if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
Do join us on the Green at 9am this Tuesday 3rd September when we shall be flying the Red Ensign to honour the brave men and women who kept our ‘island nation’ afloat during both World Wars, and to celebrate our dependence on modern day merchant seafarers who are responsible for 95% of the UK’s imports, including half the food we eat, plenty of the fuel we burn and virtually all the products and goods we take for granted!
Click to find out more.
We’re now down to the final countdown – just 7 days to go till the Flower Show!!
Click HERE for a copy of the Schedule which includes an entry form.
Could we please have entries in asap. Entry forms can either be dropped off with Steve Cattell or emailed to the Entry Secretary Nikki Welbourne-Jones.
Entry forms need to be completed for all children classes too!
All entries for the show need to have been submitted by Wednesday 4thSeptember 2019
All cups need to be returned CLEANED to either Steve Cattell or Jo Instrall as a matter of urgency!!
The Committee would be very grateful for any donations for the Tombola stall – these can be dropped off with Steve Cattell
Please note from the map below taken from that it looks as if Furzey Lane will be closed from 2nd to 4th September, possibly for fencing work. Hampshire Highways have confirmed there will be diversions put in place on the road closure and that the work should only take 3 hours. The diversion route will be via the Study Centre, School Lane.
We have received the following information about work along the A337:
Carriageway resurfacing work will take place to Romsey Road (A337) from Wellands Road to just north of Hampshire Police Station between 3 and 20 September.
The works will be carried out in two phases:
From 3 September for 10 days, between the hours of 09.30 – 16.00, pre-resurfacing works will be carried out using two-way traffic lights. No work will take place over the weekend.
From 16 September for 4 nights, between the hours of 20.00-06.00, the road will be closed for resurfacing. The road will be open during the day.
These timescales are weather dependent. Any significant changes to the schedule will be added to the yellow sign boards on the roadside. Vehicle access to properties in the area of the works cannot be guaranteed during the works, however pedestrian access will always be available.
For further information or to report a problem you can contact Hampshire Highways on 0300 555 1388.
Well, that’s got September off to a good start hasn’t it?
The Parish Council is informed sometimes (but not always) by the relevant Authority (e.g. Highways England, HCC), rumour and jungle drums about details of impending roadworks in our area. When we receive such information we will pass it on via this weekly eNewsletter, via a special email if appropriate and on Facebook. Other sources of roadworks information can be found by visiting
As you will see from the Totaliser below we have made good progress this week and have passed £4,000 in contributions and pledges. This is a good solid base to build on. It would be great if we can pick up the pace now. Please don’t wait until the end of the month the buy your shares as it makes the committee nervous!!
Please join the Minstead Community Shop Society by buying shares as this is the only way to make the community shop a reality.
To find out more please visit shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/
and click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form
If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email:
Click HERE to read the latest Benefice and Parish Notices for 1st September.
The Visit the New Forest website contains a lot of useful information for residents as well as visitors and is worth a look if you have a moment to spare. You can sign up for an eNewsletter and a weekly What’s On and find out a lot of useful information.
The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation this week:
No: 19/00603
Address: Merrie Orchard, Football Green, Minstead, Lyndhurst,
SO43 7FR
Proposal: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for a
proposed single storey rear extension
Ends: Not published
No: 19/00630
Address: Land at Camphill Cottage, Emery Down, Lyndhurst,
SO43 7EA
Proposal: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the
development and existing use of outbuildings and land as
domestic cartilage
Ends: Monday 9th September
No: 19/00621
Address: Sunnydale, Emery Down, Lyndhurst, SO43 7EA
Proposal: Single storey rear extension; roof alterations to facilitate
alterations and extension of existing rear dormer window;
1.2m high post and rail fencing; removal of existing wall.
Ends: Monday 9th September
Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
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