Stained Glass Workshops 9.30am and 1.30pm Mon 9th September Study Centre
Minstead Local History Group 8pm Tues 10th September Social Club
WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Weds 11th September Village Hall
Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thurs 19th September All Saints Church
Visit by Wellbeing Bus Project 1pm-4pm Friday 20th September Village Green
Needle Felting Workshops 9.30am and 1.30pm Sat 21st September Study Centre
Beat Surgery 4pm Saturday 28th September Trusty Servant
Harvest Festival Service 11am Sunday 29th September All Saints Church
Introduction to Floristry 2pm Sunday 29th September Study Centre
Furzey Free Guided Walk 11am Tuesday 1st October
Furzey Toddle 11am Thursday 3rd October
Parish Council 7.30pm Monday 7th October Danby Room
Bridge afternoon in aid of the Community Shop 1.30pm Weds 9th Oct Village Hall
WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Weds 9th October
Click on the links above to find out more!
Information about events in October and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
A huge “Thank You” to all those who organised this year’s Show which was another outstanding success. It took a lot of hard work by many people and we all owe a great debt of gratitude to everyone on the Flower Show Society Committee. In particular we thank the Chairman, Colin Payne who is stepping down after more years than he cares to remember and the Honorary Treasurer Tim Holt who has decided the time is right to hand over responsibility for all those little brown envelopes!
This year’s show was opened by Paul Glover whose great grandfather started the original show before Paul can remember. There were in excess of 440 entries with a very high standard in all classes so well done everyone and congratulations to the winners!!
A great many visitors enjoyed looking at the exhibits and also the excellent teas provided by the hard working team in the hall kitchen.
Please note that the Society’s AGM will be held in the Congleton Room on 3rd December and everyone is welcome to attend to give support. Any specific suggestions should be sent to the Secretary Jo Instrall at joinstrall@gmail.com at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
This month’s speaker will be Gordon Lewis who will talk about
“Old Totton and Eling”
8pm in the Social Club – all welcome!
WOW (Women on Wednesdays) WEDNESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER
This month’s talk will be
“The last days of summer”
8pm in the Hall
Update 6th September 2019
Thank you all for being so patient and we hope that this update will bring some encouragement.
You will have seen that Openreach and their contractors have been busy installing fibre for the Cadnam V35 (Minstead Wave2) part of their network, and we can say that effective connections have been made to and from the central distribution point in the middle of the village.
We have heard today that at least one Wave 2 customer has been offered FTTP as an option for their broadband so it looks as though some people could be live now.
Our information is that maybe as much as 40% of V35 (Wave2) structure could have already been upgraded to this stage, but we do not yet have an expected date for completion of the remaining 60%.
When, or if, we are notified of the addresses of the 40% that have gone live we shall let you know.
Our information regarding the Community Fibre Braodband Scheme is that “Openreach is working on the deployment plan and there may be some more news on this shortly. “
We hope that this information and evidence of progress is encouraging.
For those of you in Minstead using 4G dongles for home broadband (while we await fibre!) some providers are now offering unlimited data plans which work well in Minstead. For example, Vodafone and EE. Note that some of these plans come with hidden speed limitations – for example – the Vodafone Unlimited plan comes with a 10mbps limit where as the more expensive Unlimited Max plan offers the fastest speed available. You should also ensure these plans are compatible with your dongle.
It’s the New Forest Marathon this Sunday and that means some road closures, though not in our area. The link below has lots of very useful information that will help if you are out and about in the Forest on Sunday.
The Parish Council does its best to report all road problems in Minstead to Hampshire County Council using the online reporting system and by direct contact.
We are very aware that the state of our roads is poor and have shown the worst areas to HCC engineers.
If you notice any particular problems please report these on line by visiting
and choosing the heading that best suits the situation.
If reported online HCC have to assess the problem, and the more people that report it, the greater the likelihood of something being done though no guarantees are given!
A Service will be held on 2nd November in Minstead Church at 12.00 to remember Malcolm McCarraher and to inter his ashes in the Churchyard. Janet would like as many of you as remember Malcolm and her in the Village to come to join in the service and afterwards to meet in the Village Hall for lunch.
Please let Janet know if you would like to come by emailing to eugeniemcc@gmail.com so she can get a rough idea of numbers from the Village for catering.
She says:
“You see we still remember you in Minstead as we never changed our email!”
We managed to hoist the Red Ensign on Merchant Navy Day
A Historical Note
Merchant seamen crewed the ships of the British Merchant Navy which kept the United Kingdom supplied with raw materials, arms, ammunition, fuel, food and all of the necessities of a nation at war throughout World War II – literally enabling the country to defend itself. In doing this, they sustained a considerably greater casualty rate than almost every other branch of the armed services and suffered great hardship. Seamen were aged from fourteen through to their late seventies.
The office of the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen calculated that 144,000 merchant seamen were serving aboard British registered merchant ships at the outbreak of World War II and that up to 185,000 men and women served in the Merchant Navy during the war. 36,749 seamen and women were lost to enemy action, 5,720 were taken prisoner and 4,707 were wounded, totalling 47,176 casualties, a minimum casualty rate of over 25 percent.
The Trusty has a vacancy for a part time weekend house keeper with added holiday cover. Please call The Trusty Servant (023 8081 2137) or pop in for a chat for further information.
There has been slower progress this week towards our target of £25,000, only £1,000 added to the contributions. Thank you to those 4 generous contributors! So progress has slackened with only 3 weeks to go and if you are thinking about making a contribution now would be a great time.
To find out more please visit shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)
This page now includes a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to cover questions and points that people have raised. This will be updated from time to time as required.
Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.
If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.
Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 8th September.
There are no new Planning Applications for Minstead this week.
Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (https://minstead.org.uk)
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use minsteadpc@gmail.com
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/