French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre
Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October
Designing and Planting Garden Borders 1.30-5pm Sat 26th October Study Centre
Build a bird feeder 10am-3.30pm Monday 28th October Furzey Gardens
Tales in the twilight garden 4pm Tuesday 29th October Furzey Gardens
Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre
Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room
A History of Furzey 1pm Friday 8th November Furzey Gardens
Remembrance Sunday 10th November
Armistice Day Monday 11th November
Click on the links above to find out more!
Information about events in November and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletterand Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
The Curate’s Notebook (handed to Revd. David in September by a woman who didn’t leave her name) has now been passed to an expert in the conservation of historic documents. The work to be done is delicate and will take many months. In due course, the book will be available for reading /viewing. The possibility has been discussed of digitising the information so that it will be accessible to all.
Though this is the original book, a copy in full exists in the Winchester Records Office. So someone in the past had copied the entire book out by hand. How intriguing.
Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 20th October.
Please note that there will be a Remembrance Sunday Service starting at 10.50am on 10th November followed by a wreath laying at the war memorial.
To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)
Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.
If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.
New Forest NPA have launched the “Add 3 Minutes” Campaign aimed at reducing animal deaths on our roads, see www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/animalaccidents
The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:
No: 19/00691
Address: Blackwater Cottage, Blackwater, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FL
Proposal: Single storey extension (demolition of conservatory)
Ends: Wed 23rd October
Visit the NPA website for further planning information.