What’s On in Minstead
Beat Surgery 4pm Saturday 28th September Trusty Servant
Harvest Festival Service 11am Sunday 29th September All Saints Church
Introduction to Floristry 2pm Sunday 29th September Study Centre
Furzey Free Guided Walk 11am Tuesday 1st October
Furzey Toddle 11am Thursday 3rd October
Parish Council 7.30pm Monday 7th October Danby Room
Bridge afternoon in aid of the Community Shop 1.30pm Weds 9th Oct Village Hall
WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Weds 9th October
John Muir Award Leader Training Sat 12th-Sun 13th October Study Centre
Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 17th October All Saints Church
Traditional Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sat 19th Oct Study Centre
French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre
Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October – plant your broad beans!
Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre
Click on the links above to find out more!
Information about events in October and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, e-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.
There will be a service in memory of Ian at 11am on Thursday 26th September All Saints Church.
This week contributions have passed the half way point on the target of £25,000. We are up to 30 members but we need many more. Only 10 days to go until our deadline!
All households in the Village should have received a printed flyer asking for support. To see this, find out more and to read our updated “Frequently Asked Questions” please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)
Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.
If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.
Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 22nd September.
A further reminder to those who remember Malcolm McCarraher that a Service will be held in his memory at midday on Saturday 2nd November in Minstead Church. Please let Janet know if you would like to join in the service and afterwards to meet in the Village Hall for lunch by emailing her at eugeniemcc@gmail.com so she can get a rough idea of numbers from the Village for catering.
There are no new Planning Applications for Minstead this week.
Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (https://minstead.org.uk)
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use minsteadpc@gmail.com
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/