eNewsletter 12th July 2020

Minstead eNewsletter 12th July 2020


The letter below was sent to try to encourage better communication, action, and responses.

We have received replies from The Verderers, Natural England, and Openreach. 

All promise progress in the near future but as yet there are no firm dates.  

We will continue to try to get solid information on this issue.


From: Minstead Parish Council                                               29/06/2020

Open Plea to all Stakeholders Involved in Building Fibre to the Premises Broadband Infrastructure in Minstead.


Natural England

Forestry England

Verderers of the New Forest

Hampshire County Council 

New Forest NPA

The Rt Hon Dr. Julian Lewis MP

This is a plea for help from Minstead Parish Council.

We understand that work by Openreach building broadband infrastructure in the New Forest (including Minstead) has been severely restricted and delayed due to issues working on nationally and internationally important designated sites.  We also understand that this issue is being discussed at ‘National Level’ by the various ‘stakeholders’ – Openreach, Natural England, Forestry England, The Verderers of the New Forest, and Hampshire County Council.  This is a long running problem and no progress has been made in the last six months.

Please can all those involved in this issue remember that their actions have real effects on real people and be mindful of the extraordinary impact non-fulfilment of this build is having on beleaguered residents.

Sort out the issues as quickly as possible and build the broadband we have been promised, the broadband we desperately need, the broadband which has become essential for almost every aspect of our modern lives.


Richard Taylor – Vice Chairman, Minstead Parish Council



If you need heating oil before September, please send your requirement to minsteadoil@gmail.com by 9am on Wednesday 15th July.

Anticipated delivery will be 10 working days but I will inform you of the price, supplier and expected delivery once the orders have been placed.

September orders should be with me by 9am on Wednesday 16th September. 


Minstead Parish Council would urge all of our sporting parishioners to exercise common sense and restraint when practicing.  Please make sure you don’t propel potentially dangerous objects into areas where both livestock and the public may roam free.  The authorities have enough to worry about right now – let’s not waste their time on this. 


The first phase of Census 2021 recruitment in England and Wales has started and the Office for National Statistics needs your help to recruit local people.

Local people make the census, and ONS will be hiring thousands of people over the coming months.  Anyone who is interested in any of the roles can register now at  www.censusjobs.co.uk   

The first adverts for the census engagement manager roles go live on the website above from 7 July 2020.  The deadline to apply for these roles is 31 July 2020.  The salary range for these roles is from £18.87 to £24.56 per hour dependent on location.  The contracted hours are 37 per week, the hours are flexible but will include some evening and weekend work.

You will see adverts locally, in the press, and on social media.  ONS have asked that local authorities share these details as widely as possible. 


Click here to read the Beat Report for June 2020.

Keep an eye on the New Forest Heart Facebook Page for the latest from our police and don’t hesitate to contact them if there is anything you think they can help you with. Sadly crime of all kinds continues.

eNewsletter 5th January 2020

Minstead eNewsletter 5th January 2020



Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 6th January Danby Room

History Group 8pm Tuesday 7th January Social Club

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 16th January All Saints Church

Minstead Players “Confusions” 7.30pm Fri 17th & Sat 18th Jan in the Hall

Transition Launch Training Day 9.30am Sat 18th Jan Study Centre

Fruit Pruning 10am Sat 1st Feb Study Centre

Aladdin in Lyndhurst 6pm Sat 1st Feb, 2.30pm Sun 2nd Feb

(also 8th and 9th Feb)

Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in February and later next year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our website, monthly e-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.

Please note that eNewsletters will be sent out monthly until further notice.

The next edition will be Sunday 2nd February

More urgent communications will be sent out on Facebook.



Do come along and support Minstead Players’ latest production, Alan Ayckbourn’s ‘Confusions

The cast and supporting team have been working hard to provide you with some much needed January entertainment.  Confusions is a play consisting of a series of five interconnected one-act plays. It was first staged in 1974 (1976 in London) and the scenes are all loosely linked by characters or locations, but more subtly through the common underlying themes of obsession, isolation and human desire for companionship.

There will, no doubt, be the usual added piquancy of local colour that only Minstead Players can provide!


Many thanks to all the Trusty team, Father Christmas and the Minstead orchestra for making Father Christmas’ visit to Minstead such a memorable event yet again.  Everyone had a great time, the rain held off (more or less), loads of presents were handed out and a grand £114 was raised for the Children’s Society.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Royal British legion collection in Minstead , Emery Down and Stoney Cross this year. We collected a total of £593.23p this year. This is down on last year because I did not have enough people to realistically do house to house collections, if anyone who has not helped before would like to volunteer next year we may be able to recommence doing house to house collections. – Helen Bennett


Click HERE to read the Beat Report for December 2019.  As ever it is full of interesting and useful information.

Please note that our PCSO, Richard Williams, hopes to be at the Open Door Cafe from 2pm on Thursday 16th January in All Saints Church.

Many thanks to our police for all their help and support over the last year.

Don’t forget you can keep in touch by following New Forest Heart Cops on Facebook!


Recently there have been unusual nighttime visitors to the Village Hall car park and to the large, but subdivided, field to its west – i.e. towards Furzey Gardens.
Cars, people & lights have been seen, but thus far no obvious damage or missing items.
The Country Watch branch of our Hampshire Police force are Very Interested in what this might be about, and are keen that if anyone sees or hears this happening a call should be made immediately to 999 quoting that Country Watch asked for the call.
For reporting purposes the postcode of the Hall is SO43 7FX.


Sometime between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve our village Christmas Tree was assaulted by a wannabe tree climber who managed to inflict some damage to the upper branches and totally destroy the lights depriving everyone from enjoying the tree for the rest of the festive period.

Any donation towards the cost of replacement lights would be welcome – anonymous is OK!


NFDC are providing Christmas Tree recycling points until 12th Jan, the nearest is in the main car park in Lyndhurst.

See http://www.nfdc.gov.uk/christmasrefuse


Jo Hadfield is hoping to organise a pick-up from Jamie’s Computers in January: they are a charity operating in Southampton (see https://jamies.org.uk if you can get it to work!) and guarantee to clear all data. So if you have any old computers, tablets, phones etc please let Jo know on jfhmin@yahoo.co.uk


The order dates for 2020 are (all Wednesdays by 9am):

January 8th, February 12th, March 18th,

May 13th, July 15th,

September 16th, October 14th, November 11th and December 2nd.

Many thanks to Mike Hutton for keeping all your tanks topped up!


Don’t forget to renew your parking clock for 2020 – easily done online by visiting http://www.nfdc.gov.uk/parkingclocks

No increase this year – still £25 for a short stay clock.


If you wish to use a Hampshire Household Recycling Centre (HWRC) then from this year you need to register your car.

This is very easy to do on line by visiting



The independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking local people for their help to draw up a new pattern of council wards for New Forest District Council.

Visit http://www.nfdc.gov.uk/article/19282/Boundary-Review-Consultation-December-2019—March-2020

Local people have until 2 March 2020 to submit their views in this consultation.


Click HERE to read the Parish and Benefice Notices for 5th February and subsequent Sundays in the month.


Citizens Advice New Forest is helping take the sting out of people’s fuel bills this winter.

Citizens Advice New Forest is a local charity that provides free, confidential and impartial advice to help clients address the challenges they face and the options available. They are currently offering one-to-one advice appointments to help people get the best deal from their energy suppliers.

Struggling to pay your bills? An advice appointment can help you to understand what help you can get, including help checking your eligibility for Warm Home Discounts.

Get a better energy deal and save money. Book an appointment with Citizens Advice by ringing our New Forest Adviceline 0300 3309 009 or drop into one of their offices in the New Forest- Lymington, Fordingbridge, Hythe, New Milton, Ringwood, Totton (please see website www.newforestcab.org.uk for opening times).


The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation:

No:              19/00932

Address:      The Cottage, Toms Lane Corner, Stoney Cross Plain Road, Newtown,

                   Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GF

Proposal:      First floor extensions; conversion of attached stables to facilitate

                   additional accommodation; new pitched roof to existing attached

                   garage; alterations to fenestration; raised patio; removal of

                   existing porch

Comment by:Thu 16th Jan

No:              19/00911

Address:      Peters Hold, Newtown Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GJ

Proposal:      Replacement dwelling; detached garage/carport; associated works

                   and landscaping (demolition of existing dwelling and annex)

Comment by:Tue 7th Jan

No:              19/00909

Address:      Hollyhock Cottage, The Grove, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7GG

Proposal:      Continued use of land as residential

Comment by: Fri 10th Jan

No:              19/00890

Address:      Hunters Brook, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, SO43 7FX

Proposal:      Outbuilding

Comment by:Thu 9th Jan

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 1st December 2019


Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 2nd December Danby Room

Minstead Flower Show Society AGM 8pm Tuesday 3rd December Green Room

Father Christmas at Furzey 10am-4.30pm 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th December

Screen and Block Printing 1-4pm Sat 7th December Study Centre

Minstead History Group 8pm Tues 10th December Social Club

WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wed 11th December Green Room

General Election Thursday 12th December

Quiz Night at the Trusty Friday 13th December

Needle Felting Workshops 9.30am and 12.30pm Sat 14th Dec Study Centre

Christmas Wreath Making 1pm Sun 15th Dec Study Centre

Carol Service 4pm Sunday 15th December All Saints Church

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thurs 19th Dec All Saints Church

Minstead Trust Christmas Service 11am Friday 20th December All Saints

Beat Surgery 10am Saturday 21st Dec Trusty Servant

Father Christmas visits Minstead 6.30pm Sat 21st December

Minstead Residents’ Christmas Special 7.30pm Sat 21st Dec Trusty Servant

Christmas Eve Tue 24th Dec – Nativity Service at 4.30pm and Midnight Holy Communion at 11pm in All Saints

Christmas Day Wed 25th Dec – Christmas Morning Service and Nativity Play at 10.30am in All Saints

Boxing Day Thurs 26th Dec

New Years Day Weds 1st January 2020

Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in December and early next year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.

Please note that there will not be an eNewsletter next weekend!

The next edition will be sent out on Sunday 5th January


Please support this year’s Annual General Meeting of the Minstead Flower Show Society which will be held at 8pm this Tuesday 3rd December in the Village Hall Congleton Room (Green Room).

The Show, which is always held on the first Saturday in September, is one of the highlights of the Village year!  Please come along and air your views and if possible send any suggestions or proposals to the Secretary Jo Instrall at joinstrall@gmail.com.



Click HERE to read the Parish and Benefice Notices for 1st December and to see details of Services over Christmas.


Minstead Oil orders should be sent to minsteadoil@gmail.com by 9am on Wednesday December 4th with the intended delivery before Christmas.

The order dates for 2020 are (all Wednesdays by 9am):

January 8th, February 12th, March 18th,

May 13th, July 15th,

September 16th, October 14th, November 11th and December 2nd.

Many thanks to Mike Hutton for keeping all your tanks topped up!


A further reminder that polling will take place in the Danby Room from 7am to 10pm

Click HERE for further information


Amy’s funeral will be held at 1pm on Wednesday 4th December

at the Test Valley crematorium, Ridge lane, Romsey, SO51 6AB.
Afterwards the wake will be held at Minstead Village Hall.
Everyone welcome.


Click HERE to read the Beat Report for December

Please note that our next Beat Surgery will be at 10am at the Trusty Servant on Saturday 21st December.

At 7.30 pm next Friday, 6th December, the New Forest Heart Neighbourhood Policing team is holding its first ever Policing in your Community meeting.
This will be your chance to meet some of your local Police team and to ask them anything you like.
We will also have some scam busting and crime prevention advice particularly relevant for this time of year.
The meeting will only last an hour, so if you can make it we would love to see you.
That’s 7.30pm on Friday 6th December  at St Michael and All Angels Church in Lyndhurst.


Many thanks to all who attended the Shareholders’ meeting on Saturday afternoon.  There was an excellent turnout of over 70 to hear from Chairman George Dibben and Treasurer Tim Nicholson about the plans for refurbishing the store at the Trusty Servant and opening the new Shop at Easter.  Much needs to be done over the next few months and the team will be making contact in the New Year with all those in the Community who have volunteered to help – the Shop needs you!

Many thanks also to everyone who helped with the Christmas Fayre that followed, especially Yvonne LeBrun and Annabel Bruxner-Randall.

There were some great stalls and fantastic teas!


We are once again taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge.

There will be updates on social media with the news of the campaign 

“I have a learning disability and I want to work”.

This year the Trust is hoping to raise £4000 between midday 3 December to midday 10 December, to help more people with learning disabilities gain valuable work skills and support them to find employment too.  Donations made during the Big Give Challenge will be doubled, so overall the target is £8000.  This money will go directly to the Trust’s Step up for Work project.

The Trust is very grateful for the support from Dom and Marion Young who are supporting our campaign this year, and Dom has kindly agreed to be a contacted if you want to learn more about how they themselves are supporting Minstead Trust and their Big Give campaign.  Alternatively, you can go directly to the Big Give website from midday 3 December, to make your donation and have it doubled! Here is the link.


Follow Minstead Trust on Facebook @TheMinsteadTrust.


Father Christmas is expected on the Green around 6.30pm on Saturday 21st December.

From around 6pm there will be Carols, Mulled Wine and possibly some presents!

(parents please hand in clearly labelled presents with a value of £5 or less to the Trusty by midday 21st Dec!!)

We hope and expect to have the Minstead Mummers play this year continuing the tradition that stretches back more than 100 years.

Think about rounding off a fun evening with a Residents’ Christmas special meal

Click HERE for further information about this attractive and unique offer.


As mentioned previously and until further notice future eNewsletters will be sent out only monthly and not weekly.

Please let us have your contributions at minsteadpc@gmail.com as follows:

by midday Sat 4th Jan for the 5th Jan edition

by midday Sat 1st Feb for the 2nd Feb edition

We shall do our best to

More urgent communications will be sent out on Facebook.

To get these follow https://www.facebook.com/MinsteadPC


The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation:

No:              19/00842

Address:      Marleys, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FY

Proposal:      New barn; demolition of existing outbuilding


Ends:           Mon 30th Dec

No:              19/00859

Address:      Brock Farm, Football Green, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FR

Proposal:      Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for existing

                   use of dwelling in breach of condition 2 (agricultural occupancy) of

                   planning permission NFR



Ends:           Mon 16th Dec

No:              19/00827

Address:      Marleys, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FY

Proposal:      One & two storey extensions; roof alterations


Ends:           Wed 18th Dec

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.



eNewsletter 17th November 2019


Open Door Community Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 21st November All Saints Church

Willow Robin & Rush Reindeers 10am Saturday 23rd November Study Centre

Christmas Decoration Workshop 10am Fri 29th & Sat 30th Nov Furzey Gardens

Community Shop Shareholders’ Meeting 2.30pm Sat 30th Nov in the Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 2nd December Danby Room

Minstead Flower Show Society AGM 8pm Tuesday 3rd December Green Room

Father Christmas at Furzey 10am-4.30pm 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th December

Screen and Block Printing 1-4pm Sat 7th December Study Centre

Minstead History Group 8pm Tues 10th December Social Club

WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wed 11th December Green Room

General Election Thursday 12th December

Quiz Night at the Trusty Friday 13th December

Needle Felting Workshops 9.30am and 12.30pm Sat 14th Dec Study Centre

Christmas Wreath Making 1pm Sun 15th Dec Study Centre

Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about later events in December and early next year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.

Please note that there will not be an eNewsletter next weekend!

The next edition will be sent out on 1st December


Please note that our PCSO, Richard Williams, will be at this week’s Open Door Cafe in the Church on Thursday from 2 to 4pm.  This is an excellent opportunity to meet our local police on an informal basis.


We have been informed that Newtown Road between its junction with School Lane and its junction with Woodside will be closed from 25th November 2019 for a period of five days or until completion of the works whichever is sooner.  (Notwithstanding the above it is expected that the closure will be required for no longer than 3 days between 0930hrs and 1530hrs each day)


If you have any queries above please contact HSC Worcester Ltd Tel: 01264 773833 OR New Forest District Council’s Transportation Section, Tel: 02380 285260, traffic@nfdc.gov.uk


Please support this year’s Annual Genera Meeting of the Minstead Flower Show Society which will be held at 8pm on Tuesday 3rd December in the Village Hall Congleton Room (Green Room).

The Show, which is always held on the first Saturday in September, is one of the highlights of the Village year!  Please come along and air your views and if possible send any suggestions or proposals to the Secretary Jo Instrall at joinstrall@gmail.com at least two weeks prior to the meeting.



A reminder that December orders should be with minsteadoil@gmail.com by 9am on Wednesday 4th December.


Polling will take place in the Danby Room from 7am to 10pm

Click HERE for further information


The Study Centre has a lot of seasoned Ash wood ready for the winter for people’s wood burners/open fires.  It’s logs, not split.  Everyone is welcome to pop by (please phone ahead of time on 023 8081 3437) with their trailers to collect this.  They’d like to ask for a donation of £50.


Due to other demands future eNewsletters will be sent out only monthly and not weekly until further notice.

Please let us have your contributions as follows:

by midday Sat 30th Nov for the 1st Dec edition

by midday Sat 4th Jan for the 5th Jan edition

by midday Sat 1st Feb for the 2nd Feb edition

More urgent communications will be sent out on Facebook.

To get these follow https://www.facebook.com/MinsteadPC

We shall also update the Village website on a regular basis (https://minstead.org.uk/)


Click HERE to read the Parish and Benefice Notices for 17th November.


Please note that although this is a SHAREHOLDERS ONLY meeting,

but if you are not yet a shareholder and would like to be one it’s dead easy! 

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and download an Application Form.  The minimum investment is only £25 and this will entitle you to attend Shareholders’ meetings and have a say in how the Shop is run.

To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.


The next production by Minstead Players is Confusions by Alan Ayckbourne  to be performed on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th January 2020 in Minstead Village hall 7.30pm..

Tickets will be available from The Trusty Servant Inn, Minstead from the beginning of December 2019.


Father Christmas will be making his usual visit to Minstead on Saturday 21st December around 6.30pm providing he can get his high performance reindeers trained up or even an electric sleigh.

Further details to follow!


The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation:

No:              19/00777

Address:        Perrys Farm, London Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FT

Proposal:      Partial re-roofing of outbuilding


Ends:             Thursday 21st November

No:                    19/00859

Address:         Brock Farm, Foorball Green, Minstead, Lyndhurst SO43 7FR

Proposal:      Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use of 

                         dwelling in breach of condition 2 (agricultural occupancy) of planning

                          permission NFR 160131/2


Ends:                     Mon 16th Dec

No:                       19/00696

Address:             Duells Farm, Lyndhurst Rd

Proposal:           Retention of extension to outbuilding


Ends:                  Tues 3rd Dec

No:                       19/00827

Address:             Marleys, Lyndhurst Rd, SO43 7FY

Proposal:           One and two storey extensions, roof alterations


Ends:                      Weds 18th Dec

Visit the NPA website for further information

eNewsletter 3rd November 2019


Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room

A History of Furzey 1pm Friday 8th November Furzey Gardens

Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Armistice Day Monday 11th November

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 12th November Social Club

WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 13th November Village Hall

Mystery Dinner at Minstead Lodge 7pm Friday 15th November

Open Door Community Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 21st November All Saints Church

Willow Robin & Rush Reindeers 10am Saturday 23rd November Study Centre

Christmas Decoration Workshop 10am Fri 29th & Sat 30th Nov Furzey Gardens

Community Shop Shareholders’ Meeting 2.30pm Sat 30th Nov in the Village Hall

 Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in December and early next year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.

Please note that there will not be an eNewsletter next weekend!

The next edition will be sent out on 17th November.


A further request to please be considerate of your neighbours and animals if you are planning to set off fireworks on 5th November.

Many thanks!


Click HERE to read the Parish and Benefice Notices for 3rd November.


Click HERE to read the October Beat Report.

This contains useful advice on protecting your home against burglary now that British Summer time is over and also an update on thefts in our area and the local Speed Watch.

Please note that the next Beat Surgery will be held during the Open Door Community Cafe in All Saints Church from 2-4pm on Thursday 21st November.

Another good way of keeping in touch with our local police is to visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NewForestHeartCops/


Everyone who has purchased shares is a member of the Minstead Community Shop Community Benefit Society and is invited to the inaugural meeting of Minstead Community Shop Ltd at 2.30pm on Saturday 30th November in the Village Hall to discuss the way forward and elect the officers and committee.

See poster below.

Please note this is a SHAREHOLDERS ONLY meeting but if you are not yet a shareholder and would like to be one it’s dead easy! 

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and download an Application Form.  The minimum investment is only £25 and this will entitle you to attend Shareholders’ meetings and have a say in how the Shop is run.

To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.


The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:

No:              19/00777

Address:      Perrys Farm, London Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FT

Proposal:      Partial re-roofing of outbuilding


Ends:           Thursday 21st November

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 27th October 2019


Build a bird feeder 10am-3.30pm Monday 28th October Furzey Gardens

Tales in the twilight garden 4pm Tuesday 29th October Furzey Gardens

Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre

Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room

A History of Furzey 1pm Friday 8th November Furzey Gardens

Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Armistice Day Monday 11th November

Minstead History Group 8pm Tuesday 12th November Social Club

WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Wednesday 13th November Village Hall

Mystery Dinner at Minstead Lodge 7pm Friday 15th November

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 21st November All Saints Church

Willow Robin & Rush Reindeers 10am Saturday 23rd November Study Centre

Christmas Decoration Workshop 10am Fri 29th & Sat 30th Nov Furzey Gardens

Community Shop Shareholders’ Meeting 2pm Sat 30th Nov in the Village Hall

Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in December and early next year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


Everyone who has purchased shares is a member of the Minstead Community Shop Community Benefit Society and is invited to the inaugural meeting of Minstead Community Shop Ltd at 2pm on Saturday 30th November in the Village Hall to discuss the way forward and elect the officers and committee.

Look out for more details in the Parish eNewsletter.

Please note this is a SHAREHOLDERS ONLY meeting

but if you are not yet a shareholder and would like to be one it’s dead easy! 

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and download an Application Form.  The minimum investment is only £25 and this will entitle you to attend Shareholders’ meetings and have a say in how the Shop is run.

To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.


Openreach has been in contact with the Parish Council to let us know that they have now commissioned 24 out of the 28 connection points for Wave 2 (the first phase, free scheme). This means that some 91 addresses should be able to get FTTP now (Fibre to the Premises/Ultrafast fibre). The remainder of Wave 2 will be completed by the end of the year and, once this infrastructure is built, the Community Fibre Scheme will be able to be constructed from it. We will update you on this as soon as we have news and, please be assured, we are asking continuously for dates for this.

Click HERE for a complete list of those properties in Wave 2 and the Community Fibre Scheme. To check if you have been connected have a look at the Openreach fibre checker https://www.openreach.com/ or the BT broadband availability link https://www.bt.com/broadband/availability/.  If these show download speeds available of 100 Mbps plus then you are in business! If they show speeds around the 0-12 Mbps mark, then you’ll need to wait a little longer to be connected. 

If you’ve been upgraded to FTTP please see chart below to follow what to do next. You will not be automatically upgraded. You are instead at the ‘stage 6’ and need to order a fibre/speed upgrade either from the company who provides you with broadband or another of your choice. Speeds now available to Wave 2 households seem to be in the region of 100-300 Mbps depending on the package you choose.


Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 27th October.

Please note that there will be a Remembrance Sunday Service starting at 10.50am on 10th November followed by a wreath laying at the war memorial.


The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:

No:              19/00777

Address:      Perrys Farm, London Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FT

Proposal:      Partial re-roofing of outbuilding


Ends:           Thursday 21st November

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 20th October 2019

eNewsletter 20th October 2019




French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre

Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October

Designing and Planting Garden Borders 1.30-5pm Sat 26th October Study Centre

Build a bird feeder 10am-3.30pm Monday 28th October Furzey Gardens

Tales in the twilight garden 4pm Tuesday 29th October Furzey Gardens

Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre

Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room

A History of Furzey 1pm Friday 8th November Furzey Gardens

Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Armistice Day Monday 11th November


Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in November and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletterand Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


The Curate’s Notebook (handed to Revd. David in September by a woman who didn’t leave her name) has now been passed to an expert in the conservation of historic documents. The work to be done is delicate and will take many months. In due course, the book will be available for reading /viewing. The possibility has been discussed of digitising the information so that it will be accessible to all.

Though this is the original book, a copy in full exists in the Winchester  Records Office. So someone in the past had copied the entire book out by hand.   How intriguing.



Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 20th October.

Please note that there will be a Remembrance Sunday Service starting at 10.50am on 10th November followed by a wreath laying at the war memorial.



To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.



New Forest NPA have launched the “Add 3 Minutes” Campaign aimed at reducing animal deaths on our roads, see www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/animalaccidents



The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:


No:             19/00691

Address:      Blackwater Cottage, Blackwater, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FL

Proposal:      Single storey extension (demolition of conservatory)


Ends:           Wed 23rd October


Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 13th October 2019


Study Centre coffee morning 10-12 Tuesday 15th October

C17 Litterpick 10am Wednesday 16th October

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 17th October All Saints Church

Karen Frampton Open Studio weekend 10am-5pm 19th & 20th October

Traditional Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sat 19th Oct Study Centre

French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre

Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October

Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre

Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th November Danby Room

Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Armistice Day Monday 11th November

Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in November and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


The next litterpick is this Wednesday 16th October, departing 10am from Andrews Mare car park. McDonalds will provide picking sticks and bags. We will do the usual route of both sides of the road between the A31 cattlegrid and the Acres Down crossroads. Everyone welcome. Any questions please email tessakeeley1@gmail.com.



We would be very grateful for offers of baking and for one more helper to serve from 3pm and help clear up.

We look forward to seeing you there, please bring your friends.  PCSO  Richard Williams, our Community Support Police Officer, plans to call in at about 2pm.

In addition, we’re requesting volunteers now for the 21st November café (our first anniversary).

Contact Isabel on 02380 282724/07751 074565 or at isabel@yeo-family.org.uk


Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 13th October.


Please note that Malcolm Macarraher’s memorial service on 2nd Nov will be at 11am at All Saints and not 12 as originally planned.



Orders for oil in October should be with minsteadoil@gmail.com before 9am on Wednesday 16th October. Delivery would be expected within 10 working days so at least by the end of the month.

Further order dates this year will be November 13th and December 4th


The Community Shop Share total has now reached a splendid total of £29,700.  That’s just over £2,000 raised this week.  But we still need more members because we still have less than 100 members, so please join up.  It only costs £25.

We have also had some great fundraising events this week, over £800 has been raised by an excellent Quiz (thanks to Junior Minstead), a wonderful Bridge afternoon (thanks to Jo Hadfield for organising and Annabel Bruxner-Randall for the delicious tea) and a sale of the excess cakes (from the bridge) at WoW.  It’s great to see the Community Shop is getting people in the village together for social events.

To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.


A review is being held of the Delivery of National Neighbourhood Watch Strategy. If you wish to take part it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete a short survey by visiting



The following Planning Application for Minstead is out for consultation:

No:              19/00691

Address:      Blackwater Cottage, Blackwater, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FL

Proposal:      Single storey extension (demolition of conservatory)


Ends:           Wed 23rd October

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.

eNewsletter 6th October 2019


Parish Council 7.30pm Monday 7th October Danby Room

History Group 8pm Tuesday 8th October Social Club

Bridge afternoon in aid of the Community Shop 1.30pm Weds 9th Oct Village Hall

WOW (Women on Wednesdays) 8pm Weds 9th October

John Muir Award Leader Training Sat 12th-Sun 13th October Study Centre

Study Centre coffee morning 10-12 Tuesday 15th October

Open Door Cafe 2-4pm Thursday 17th October All Saints Church

Traditional Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sat 19th Oct Study Centre

French Bread Making 10am-5.30pm Sun 20th Oct Study Centre

Trafalgar Day Monday 21st October

Shadowlands 7.45pm Thurs 31st Oct, Fri 1st, Sat 2nd Nov Vernon Theatre

Junior Minstead Halloween Party 6.30pm Saturday 2nd November Village Hall

 Click on the links above to find out more!

Information about events in November and later in the year can be seen by visiting https://minstead.org.uk/news/events/
Please let us know at minsteadpc@gmail.com if you would like us to notify the village of any event or incident that would be of local interest. We are able to do this via our websitee-newsletter and Facebook page.
If you know of anyone near to you who does not get emails and may like to read this eNewsletter please print a copy and give it to them.


Everyone is reminded that our recycling facility at the Hall is just that – it is not for general household waste disposal.  Please use it for these items ONLY:

  • glass mixed(no pyrex)
  • cans and plastic bottles(to include all metal cans including aerosols, cleaning products bottles, milk cartons (no lids), soft drink bottles (no lids), shampoo bottles and washing up bottles.
  • paper and cardboardto include cardboard boxes, magazines, yellow pages, brown envelopes, even with windows and birthday cards. (no gift wrap)

Please do not use it for other household rubbish or anything else. If in doubt put it in your black bag for energy recovery or take it to one of the Household Waste Recycling Centres.  If you don’t know where these are or what can be taken visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/recyclingcentres

But please remember that if we don’t use our Minstead Facility properly it may be closed and we’ll lose a valuable community asset.


There will be a meeting this Tuesday 8th October at 8pm in the Social Club


The Committee hope you will have seen the special eNewsletter announcing that the Community Shop Share Sale met its minimum target of £25,000 on 30 September.  Thank you to everybody who has bought shares.  It is pleasing that people are continuing to buy shares.  The total raised is now £26,675 on 4 October.  But that’s no reason not to buy shares if you haven’t bought any yet as we want as many members as possible to make this a genuine community project.  The minimum share purchase is only £25, so please join now.

To find out more please visit the Community Shop webpage on the Minstead website (www:/minstead.org.uk/village-community-shop-project/)

Click HERE to see the Share Offer and Application Form.

If you have any queries not answered by these documents please contact the committee through our email: minsteadcommunityshop@gmail.com.


This month’s Beat Report is available to read on the Village website by clicking HERE.

Those who are signed up to Hampshire Alert (click https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/ if you are not!) will already know that thieves have been stealing from cars parked in New Forest car parks this week.  2 handbags have been taken from cars parked in Fritham and Andrews Mare car parks, both of them had been “hidden”, one under a coat and one under the back seat.  Our Police advise everyone not to leave anything valuable inside your car and not to try and hide anything because you never know who is watching you!


A Bridge afternoon with tea will be held in Minstead Village Hall starting at 1.30pm this Wednesday 9th October, also in aid of the Community Shop.  Please contact Jo on 023 8081 3457, email jfhmin@yahoo.co.uk, if you would like to book a seat or a table, £10 per head.



Click HERE to read the latest Parish and Benefice Notices for 6th October.


The Trusty Servant team have put out a special offer to the residents of Minstead Village for a Christmas Special.  They would like to invite the residents of Minstead Village to dine with us after Father Christmas visits Minstead on Saturday the 21st of December, for each Minstead Resident that books for our Christmas Fayre Menu we will give them 25% off the menu price for this night only, a £10 deposit per person will be required to secure the booking and a pre-order will also be needed 7 days before dining.  This will be on a first come first served basis and is only applicable to residents of Minstead Village, they must quote “Father Christmas Special”. 

Click Trusty Servant Christmas Fayre Menu to read the menu and contact the Trusty on 023 8081 2137 to make a booking!


There will be a meeting in Brockenhurst Village Hall at 7pm on Friday 8th November.  To find out more visit



The following Planning Applications for Minstead are out for consultation:

No:              19/00691

Address:      Blackwater Cottage, Blackwater, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FL

Proposal:      Single storey extension (demolition of conservatory)


Ends:           Wed 23rd October

No:              19/00674

Address:      Hightrees, Lyndhurst Road, Minstead, Lyndhurst, SO43 7FX

Proposal:      Single storey side extension; demolition of existing conservatory


Ends:           Fri 11th October

Visit the NPA website for further planning information.
This eNewsletter is sent by Minstead Parish Council (https://minstead.org.uk)
Click here to see our Disclaimer and Privacy and Data Protection Policy
To contact the Editor please use minsteadpc@gmail.com
To keep up to date with incidents in the locality sign up to Hampshire Alert by visiting  https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/
